using System; using System.Drawing; // The 'windowHandle' parameter will contain the window handle for the: // - Active window when run by hotkey // - Window Location target when run by a Window Location rule // - TitleBar Button owner when run by a TitleBar Button // - Jump List owner when run from a Taskbar Jump List // - Currently focused window if none of these match public static class DisplayFusionFunction { public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle) { //load a monitor profile BFS.DisplayFusion.LoadMonitorProfile("Big Picture Profile"); //Minimize all visible windows foreach(IntPtr window in BFS.Window.GetVisibleWindowHandles()) BFS.Window.Minimize(window); //if steam is running, close the program down uint steamAppId = BFS.Application.GetAppIDByFile("*Steam.exe"); if(BFS.Application.IsAppRunningByAppID(steamAppId)) { BFS.Application.Kill(steamAppId); BFS.Application.WaitForExitByAppID(steamAppId, 5000); } //start steam in big picture mode BFS.Application.Start("J:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\Steam.exe", "-tenfoot"); } }