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51 discussion posts

I recently added a 27" UHD monitor to my system and am now having a few issues with DisplayFusion :(

The main issue I have is with a function that spans a window over two of my monitors:

Action: Manage Window
Action: Move window to specified location : 0
Window Alignment : 0
Change window width to specified pixel value: 5120
Change window height to specified pixel value: 1440

Before I added the UHD monitor these two 27" 1440p monitors 1080p monitor to the left of them and this function behaved as expected.

However; now the window seems to snap itself about 300 pixels into the UHD monitor whilst still filling the full width of the two 1440p ones.

I have to move the window back to the position required and then size from the right to get the correct size.

I suspect this is due to Windows 8.1 feature that figures out the 'correct' scaling per monitor but am hoping you'll be able to help.

I've attached the troubleshooting output.

Note that it doesn't matter which application window apply the function to; they all do the same thing.

Please let me know if you need any further info, etc.
• Attachment [protected]: df troubleshooting text.txt [111,199 bytes]
Apr 19, 2015 (modified Apr 19, 2015)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yep, that would definitely be related to the separate scaling values for each monitor. We'll test this out here and we'll be sure to let you know when we're able to get it fixed up :)

Apr 20, 2015  • #2
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51 discussion posts
Thanks Keith; if you need any more info or help let me know!
Apr 20, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've been doing some testing here, and while I don't have a setup exactly the same as yours, I can't reproduce this issue with the latest 7.2 Beta. Could you try updating and let me know if you still run into this issue?

May 12, 2015  • #4
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51 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

I actually got around the issue by using the same dpi scaling for all screens.

I've just installed Win 10 and have the screens setup with different scaling; DF still has the same issue.

I've actually just gone and uninstalled DF for the moment as it also turned my machine to treacle with constant CPU spikes.

Would like to install again and get the scaling issues sorted as well as the CPU usage.

I suspect the CPU usage is down to the fact that I have 5 monitors... However; I use them all so DF has had to go for the moment.

I can put it back on and grab logs etc. if that will help.

BTW; neither of these issues is likely related to Win 10. I remember when I installed my 4K screen I initially got CPU spikes as well.
Jul 30, 2015  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! The DPI scaling problem is on our list to fix :)

Regarding the CPU usage issue, did you have DF set to change your wallpaper? If so, did the CPU spikes seem to occur during the wallpaper changes?
Aug 6, 2015  • #6
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51 discussion posts

After a couple of days of running without DF on my machine I decided to live with CPU spikes...

I have a work-around for DPI issues.

This probably stems from the disconnects in the different Windows APIs for display & window location and scaling. I had an issue with on of my WPF apps that needed some non-trivial code to resolve.

Anyway; if you look at the second attachment you'll see the command I am now using for spanning a window over my two 1440p screens.
Before the functions was to move to a set window and then set the width and height.
To make it work now I had to experiment with the actual location and sizes to make it work.

You'll notice that the X position is 10 rather than 0 (it's my primary monitor so the one to the left has a negative coordinate) and the width is under that of the actual combined resolution of those two screens.

However; this actually fits perfectly!

So; two things:

1] Maybe this helps understanding where the issues are in relation to this
2] People should be able to make some commands to move to specific windows based on this methodology rather than selecting monitor X

Regarding the CPU spikes, I have disabled pretty much everything except for toolbars and my custom functions (no function buttons in the title bar nor wallpapers). Seems to have fixed the CPU issues.

Let me know what I can do to assist in resolving that.

Hope you guys aren't too stressed with the Windows 10 issues :)

• Attachment: DPI - desktop configuration.jpg [86,216 bytes]
DPI - desktop configuration.jpg
DPI - desktop configuration.jpg
• Attachment: DPI scaling workaround.jpg [84,842 bytes]
DPI scaling workaround.jpg
DPI scaling workaround.jpg
Aug 7, 2015 (modified Aug 7, 2015)  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Can you try updating to 7.3 Beta 2, then try a custom function with the following settings?

Location: 0, 0
Width: 200%
Height: 100%
Aug 12, 2015  • #8
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51 discussion posts
Hey Keith,

Whilst 7.3 beta 2 is a big improvement in many areas for me, this is only partially fixed.

I created a different post about the issue:

Basically, if I set the X location to 10 it leaves a small gap on the left of monitor 1; any value lower results in it being about 1000 pixels into the 4K screen to it's left!

I've attached the diagnostic log in case that might give some useful info.
• Attachment [protected]: df log.txt [101,735 bytes]
Aug 13, 2015  • #9
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51 discussion posts
7.3 beta 3 has fixed this :)
Aug 31, 2015  • #10
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
That's excellent, thanks for following-up! :)
Sep 1, 2015  • #11
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