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DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 5) Now Available!

June 25, 2024
We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 5) is now available for download! This is the next beta for our new major version 11. This beta fixes many issues, adds new UI features, and improves performance and stability.
DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 5) Highlights
  • Change: Monitor Fading now has an option to do a gradual fade
  • Change: Monitor Fading now allows you to exclude specific monitors from being faded
  • Change: New Function: Screen Ruler
  • Change: New scripting function: BFS.General.IsFunctionRunning("My Custom Function")
  • Fix: Summoners War taskbar button now moves to the DisplayFusion taskbar
  • Fix: Chrome and Edge now correctly get focus when launched from the DisplayFusion taskbar
  • Fix: Group Buttons by App ID now also affects combining with pinned buttons
  • Fix: Bluetooth tray icon menu no longer opens on top-left of monitor
  • Fix: MSI Installer now ignores pre-reqs as it's not possible to launch .NET 8 installer from an MSI
  • Fix: Unsplash wallpaper provider now correctly loads "user's liked images"
  • Fix: TitleBar Buttons no longer re-appear after removing in the settings
  • Fix: Partial fix for SnagIt auto-higlight when using Monitor Fading (should work for majority of customers)
  • Fix: Resolved a Lock Screen settings apply issue
  • Fix: OpenShell start menu now opens on correct taskbar
  • Fix: Maximized windows on monitor with DisplayFusion auto-hide taskbar no longer move back to the Windows taskbar
Updating DisplayFusion
We encourage everyone to update to this new beta version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion beta change log. Thank you to everyone who is helping to test these beta versions, your feedback is what makes DisplayFusion so amazing. We would also like to thank all of the translators who have helped translate DisplayFusion to their native languages. Thanks everyone!

DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 4) Now Available!

April 23, 2024
We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 4) is now available for download! This is the next beta for our new major version 11. Update for free today and let us know what you think!
DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 4) Highlights
  • Change: Added a "Restart Explorer" button to the Troubleshooting tab
  • Change: You can now select multiple Custom or Scripted Functions to delete simultaneously
  • Fix: Monitor Config now sets active signal resolution
  • Fix: Added a fallback for Windows monitor ID if duplicate monitor IDs are detected
  • Fix: Context menu no longer hides if hovered too quickly
  • Fix: Monitor Profile loading improvements
  • Fix: Network tray icon on DF taskbar will no longer trigger entries in Windows location history (was due to asking for WiFi signal info, we no longer do that)
  • Fix: Apps forced to full screen via compatibility rule no longer cause taskbars on other monitors to force to bottom of z-order
  • Fix: Titlebar buttons no longer re-appear after deleting
  • Fix: Fixes for some application tray icons on the DF taskbar
  • Fix: Select Application window gets correct EXE for Snipping Tool now
  • Fix: Resolved issue with Snipping Tool that caused it to auto-select second monitor
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where DF wouldn't remove taskbar buttons for closed windows (usually happened if running AutoCAD)
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the Start menu button would disappear on the DF taskbars
  • Fix: Resolved a taskbar clock width issue
Updating DisplayFusion
We encourage everyone to update to this new beta version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion beta change log. Thank you to everyone who is helping to test these beta versions, your feedback is what makes DisplayFusion so amazing. We would also like to thank all of the translators who have helped translate DisplayFusion to their native languages. Thanks everyone!

DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 3) Now Available!

March 20, 2024
We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 3) is now available for download! This is the next beta for our new major version 11. Update for free today and let us know what you think!
DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 3) Highlights
  • Change: DisplayFusion now includes session ID in the mutex for detecting a running instance
  • Change: New Advanced Setting to disable taskbar preview aero peek on hover per-taskbar
  • Change: New Advanced Setting to disable tray notifications for running scripts
  • Change: New Advanced Setting to override the detected Windows font for the taskbar
  • Fix: Alt+Tab now shows window text for Firefox windows
  • Fix: Autohide taskbar no longer moves down instead of actually hiding
  • Fix: BFS.Application.Start now properly supports UWP apps
  • Fix: BFS.General.Sleep is now documented correctly
  • Fix: BFS.Speech.TextToSpeechWithVoice works again
  • Fix: Blocklisted titlebar buttons on MYOB "Create email" window
  • Fix: Fix for Maximize (ignore splits) on Adobe Reader
  • Fix: Fix for the "Some settings controlled by administrator" tip not showing up in the Settings window
  • Fix: Fix for webview2 errors
  • Fix: Fix to resolve issues with monitor profiles setting the primary monitor
  • Fix: Fixed Steam tray icon double-click behaviour on DisplayFusion taskbar
Updating DisplayFusion
We encourage everyone to update to this new beta version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion beta change log. Thank you to everyone who is helping to test these beta versions, your feedback is what makes DisplayFusion so amazing. We would also like to thank all of the translators who have helped translate DisplayFusion to their native languages. Thanks everyone!

DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 2) Now Available!

January 11, 2024
We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 2) is now available for download! This is a quick release to fix up some issues that appeared in Beta 1. If you're experiencing any other issues be sure to let us know so we can look into them more. Thanks!
DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 2) Changes
  • Fix: No longer shows an incorrect Steam license key warning
  • Fix: Fullscreen detection fixes.
Updating DisplayFusion
We encourage everyone to update to this new beta version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion beta change log. Thank you to everyone who is helping to test these beta versions, your feedback is what makes DisplayFusion so amazing. We would also like to thank all of the translators who have helped translate DisplayFusion to their native languages. Thanks everyone!

DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 1) Now Available!

January 10, 2024
We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 1) is now available for download! This is the first beta for the new major v11! This is an early beta and will probably have bugs but if you're interested in helping us test we love all the feedback we can get.
DisplayFusion 11.0 (Beta 1) Highlights
  • IMPORTANT: This beta contains a significant overhaul to the Settings window, so please expect there to be bugs!
  • Change: Settings window tabs are now ordered alphabetically
  • Change: Some settings have been moved to new tabs or moved to more appropriate tabs in the Settings window
  • Change: Added a window picker to the Compatibility rule edit window
  • Change: New built-in functions: Screen Zoom, Colour Picker, Screen Ruler
  • Change: New taskbar mode: Windows shows all, DF shows none
  • Fix: Clock is no longer truncated in Windows 10 when using the US format
  • Fix: Clicking in an Adobe Reader window when maximized to a split no longer causes it to shift
  • Fix: Taskbar buttons no longer shuffle when switching between Windows virtual desktops
  • Fix: Wallpaper RSS url loading works again
  • Fix: Fullscreen game windows should no longer move to splits
  • Fix: Middle-click on pinned taskbar button now opens new instance when there aren't any currently running
  • Fix: AdvancedRename now shows up in Alt+Tab
  • Fix: Wallpaper Settings window no longer overwritten by slideshow timer firing
  • Fix: Resolved an issue with custom titlebar buttons not displaying correctly
Updating DisplayFusion
We encourage everyone to update to this new beta version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion beta change log. Thank you to everyone who is helping to test these beta versions, your feedback is what makes DisplayFusion so amazing. We would also like to thank all of the translators who have helped translate DisplayFusion to their native languages. Thanks everyone!

The 2023 Year End Sale is Here!

December 20, 2023
Happy Holidays to everyone! It's that time of year again, please help us celebrate with discounts on all of our desktop apps!
We're offering all of our desktop apps at a sale price of up to 25% off, until Wednesday, January 3rd!
Desktop Applications
If you're not familiar with all of our apps, feel free to check them out on our More Apps page.
Desktop Application Screenshots
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