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ScotProf's profile on
I use a program called "Listary" to give me desktop shortcuts. Clicking on the desktop opens Listary, and allows me to (for example) quickly access a list of recently-used files & folders; by clicking on one of them, I can open it in my favorite file manager (Total Commander). However, I have 3 monitors, and TC always opens on my default monitor. I'd like it to open on whichever monitor I've just clicked on.

I've tried to do this using DF Windows locations, but can't see how. I can tell DF that I want all TC windows to be placed on "monitor X", and that works (but it's not what I want to happen). I can't see a way to tell DF to open TC on "currentmonitor". There IS a command to "Move All Windows to Current Monitor" but if I tell DF to invoke that command whenever TC opens, it moves TC to the current monitor (which is what I want) but - as it should - it also moves ALL open windows to that monitor (which I don't want).

Am I missing it? Or is there no way to do it?

Thanks (BTW, running DF 4.1.0 beta 5)
Jun 21, 2012 (modified Jun 21, 2012)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's actually not currently possible, but I've just added to to our feature request list. I'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement it.

Jun 21, 2012  • #2
ScotProf's profile on
It's included in 4.1.0 beta 13, and it's working. THANKS!!
Aug 2, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem ScotProf, glad to hear it!
Aug 2, 2012  • #4
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67 discussion posts
is it possible to lock a certain explorer window (drive) to a monitor, so the size & location sticks forever?

Example, my Download drive i use daily, can i lock my windows explorer Downloads drive window to a certain position on a certain monitor, but yet have explorer open where the mouse is clicked on other monitors at size and position last used?
reason being is i use a monitor for server, and fixing customers computers, it would be nice to be able to be on server on that monitor, and double click any other rmonitor and then that download folder would open on that monitor, and once clicking inputs on monitor and going back to workstation, that download drive will still be locked on that monitor.
Maybe a pin to top/ pin to monitor function?

Thanks for any tips if possible.
Aug 25, 2013  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
If you add it as a Folder shortcut to the DisplayFusion taskbar, then when you click that shortcut, it should open and move to that monitor. That will override the Window Location rule, so if you have one for Explorer.exe, your subsequent Explorer windows will still open at the location specified in the Window Location rule.

Hope that helps!
Aug 26, 2013  • #6
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