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2 discussion posts
Hi there, it took me quite a while to locate DisplayFusion - I've been using much of your competition, up until now and I'm very pleased with DF, for sure!

I have 9 screens (yes, NINE) attached to a multi GPU box that I built (I build all my boxes) and I use this machine (I call "mission control") to monitor another 50 boxes as an MSP, while doing a "few other things".

I've tried several competitors to the built-in Windows Multitasking facility, but I finally submitted to using it, as it seems to give me the quickest transfer rates (native to the O/S) when I need to jump/refresh all the screens, as I poke into my other duties.

Here's my issue that I'd love DF to solve:

So far, you do an excellent job on remembering my windows sizes/positions among all my screens, but the "stickiness" of those windows inside the Windows Multitasking is never maintaine - I have to go back to all the specific RDP's and Chrome winodows and tag them accordingly, inside the Multitasking environment.

For instance, there are specific RDP sessions that I would want to "stick" on the screen when I move to a different set of virtual windows using Multitasking. (i.e. using the ctrl+WindowsKey+Left/Right to move among all my live work).

It would be great if DF maintained which Windows were to stick individually (i.e. you can ask for specific Chrome windows to stick around when jumping); or, universally (you ask for ALL Chrome windows to stick around). The univeral stickiness is already maintained by Windows Multitasking; it's the 'individual' window that would be super helpful to maintain.

If DF could figure a way to I.D. each window, tag it with an individual stickiness and save that info to propagate on startup, that'd be just swell!

And a side note: it's not super necessary at the moment because of how good a job you already do at saving windows positions; but, it'd be great if you could add this [missing] Microsoft feature - and yes, I've asked them a few times already:

When I open an RDP to start, it maximizes to whatever size I ask for and places it in the top left of my [main] 4K monitor. When you grab that window to move it, the size shrinks to a smaller window, cutting off the bottom & right sides that were viewable making it scrollable vertically & horizontally. [This may be their solution to standardizing a 1080p size on a 4K monitor.]

What would be great is if I hold down the shift key (for instance) when dragging that new "full" screen from the top/left corner, the current size of the fully open window would be maintained (like when I expand it on the 4K screen, after dragging it - as I do, now) and allow me to drag it "as is" to where I want it.

Just an ask, if you can do it - or already have.

Keep up the great work!

Sep 12, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Rob,

Thanks for the kind words!

For the virtual desktop issue, please see the 2nd point in this post:

That's an interesting idea as well. I've added this to our feature request list. We don't guarantee that feature requests will be implemented, or offer timelines on possible implementation. We'll be sure to let you know if we do add it to our planned features in a future version.

Sep 13, 2022  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Hi Owen, thanks for the quick response!

I'm not sure the second point addresses my issue:

"Can't Fix: Applications don't register in Task View (or virtual desktops) when not on the Primary monitor. Workaround: Set Taskbar Mode to "Windows taskbar shows all..."

When you open the Windows TaskView to see all the open windows on your current virtual session, you can 'right-click' on any of them and the pop-up menu gives you:

    Snap left
    Snap right
    Move to
    Show this window on all desktops
    Show windows from this app on all desktops

It's the last 2 elements, whether the window is shown on all desktops; and/or its sub-windows are shown on all desktops that is not saved with each window, when DF saves their position.

I really don't want to have the taskbar set to "shows all" (I assume that means on all screens); I've already got the single taskbar showing ALL open windows on ALL virtual screens) - if I click on any windows from the taskbar, I jump to the virtual screen that has that window open and bring it to the forefront.

My issue is that the 'Show this window' and 'Show apps from this window' on all desktops setting is not being saved by DF for each individual window I set up under Window's virtual screens.

I hope that makes more sense.

I can try what's suggested above, but I'm fairly sure that when I sign out and back in, those virtual screen parameters will be saved with the windows position, under DF.

Sep 13, 2022  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Rob,

Ah thanks for clarifying. This is currently on our feature request list, so I've added your vote to it. We'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement it in the future.

Sep 15, 2022  • #4
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