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Holger Drechsler1
21 discussion posts
I think it is since the last update 9.4 that in some cases programs just opened don´t come in front of other windows. Until now I cannot say under which circumstances. For example I open "reedit" in the search field and it shows only the button in the taskbar. More often dialog windows don´t come to front, especially in connection with ptinting. The Epson print prewiew is often not visiible or the file dialog when I print to PDF. What could cause this?
May 27, 2021  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Holger,

If you open up the DisplayFusion Advanced Setting window, can you enable "SetWindowPos: Disallow TopMost Calls" and see if the issue persists after restarting DisplayFusion?

Let me know how that works!
May 27, 2021  • #2
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Holger Drechsler1
21 discussion posts
Hello Owen, it was already set in my configuration. But I tried to disable and anable it again with no success. But I have another program called MemoMaster which I suspect to cause this behaviour. In this program itself I looses often the focus. After a restart of the computer all is normal until I start that program. I´m in a long discussion with the maker of this very good database software. It causes also that I can not see floating windows inside programs like Photoshop, AutoCAD or 3dsMAX when I switch back from MemoMaster. I need to cklick on the titlebar once to get the floating windows back. The programmer said they cant change it due to some restrictions to the Windows software itself.
May 28, 2021  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Holger,

Ah, strange, sorry to hear! So the issue persists whether DisplayFusion is running or not?

May 28, 2021  • #4
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Holger Drechsler1
21 discussion posts
This happens also when Display Fusion is of. I tested it just now once more. It doesn´t happen every time, but in the last case I had the MemoMaster in front of the middle screen and behind this an AutoCAD window. When I closed MemoMaster AutoCAD was shown without the floating windows. I have to click on the taslbar once to get it back.
May 28, 2021  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Holger,

Unfortunately if this is being caused by another 3rd party application, I'm not sure if there's anything we can do here. Could you send me over a video of the issue happening? I'll try to reproduce it on my end.

Jun 1, 2021  • #6
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