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Easy Administration

Deploy and manage DisplayFusion in your corporate environment with ease by using DisplayFusion's silent installer options, and custom ADMX templates for Active Directory Group Policy environments. The custom ADMX templates will allow you to make sure your DisplayFusion settings are consistent across all workstations, making management and troubleshooting much easier.

Corporate Deployment

DisplayFusion has custom ADMX templates that can be loaded into the Active Directory Group Policy Management console. These templates allow IT Administrators to enable or disable DisplayFusion features for better control and standardization of configurations across workstations.

Click here for more information regarding the custom ADMX templates.

Centralized Management

DisplayFusion's MSI installer provides command-line switches that allow you to deploy it silently. You can also specify the following installer preferences:

  • The License Key that DisplayFusion should use
  • The Path where DisplayFusion will be installed
  • Whether or not DisplayFusion should Start with Windows
  • Whether or not DisplayFusion should create Desktop Context Menu Entries
  • Whether or not DisplayFusion should create a Desktop Icon
  • Whether or not DisplayFusion should launch after installation

The MSI installer will work with any corporate deployment solution that will allow you to deploy MSI files with custom command line switches.


Error Message When Desktop Wallpaper is Blocked by Group Policy
Error Message When Desktop Wallpaper is Blocked by Group Policy
"Check for Updates" Option, Blocked by Group Policy
"Check for Updates" Option, Blocked by Group Policy