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Powerful Functions

DisplayFusion comes bundled with over 30 pre-configured Functions, or you can create your own powerful custom Functions. Create Functions to load Wallpaper or Monitor Profiles, move windows around, change window opacity, toggle DisplayFusion features and much more.

Any Function, including custom Functions that you've created, can be assigned to a TitleBar Button for easier access with the mouse, or to a keyboard shortcut for keyboard power users. Functions can also be assigned to the Jump List menus on the DisplayFusion Multi-Monitor Taskbars, allowing them to be run even on applications that are minimized.

Need more options? Use DisplayFusion's Scripted Functions (Macros) to script anything you can imagine. Use C# or inside DisplayFusion to create your own custom scripts. From simple window movement scripts to anything more complex. Requires DisplayFusion 7 or higher.
Powerful Functions

Window Move/Size

  • Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (All Monitors)
  • Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (Current Monitor)
  • Move All Windows to Current Monitor
  • Move Window to Bottom-Left Corner and Size 50%
  • Move Window to Bottom-Right Corner and Size 50%
  • Move Window to Centre of Monitor
  • Move Window to Centre of Monitor and Size to 75%
  • Move Window to Current Monitor
  • Move Window to Current Monitor and Maximize
  • Move Window to Current Monitor and Minimize
  • Move Window to Current Monitor and Size Proportionally
  • Move Window to Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)
  • Move Window to Next Monitor
  • Move Window to Next Monitor and Maximize
  • Move Window to Next Monitor and Minimize
  • Move Window to Next Monitor and Size Proportionally
  • Move Window to Previous Monitor
  • Move Window to Previous Monitor and Maximize
  • Move Window to Previous Monitor and Minimize
  • Move Window to Previous Monitor and Size Proportionally
  • Move Window to Primary Monitor
  • Move Window to Primary Monitor and Maximize
  • Move Window to Primary Monitor and Minimize
  • Move Window to Primary Monitor and Size Proportionally
  • Move Window to Top-Left Corner and Size 50%
  • Move Window to Top-Right Corner and Size 50%
  • Size and Move Window to Bottom Side of Monitor
  • Size and Move Window to Left Side of Monitor
  • Size and Move Window to Right Side of Monitor
  • Size and Move Window to Top Side of Monitor
  • Span Window Across all Monitors (Force Span)
  • Span Window Across all Monitors (Toggle)

Window Management

  • Highlight Window
  • Highlight Window: Disable All Highlights
  • Maximize Window
  • Maximize Window (ignore monitor splits)
  • Minimize Window
  • Minimize Window To System Tray
  • Prevent Window Deactivation (keeps game windows focused)
  • Restore Window
  • Restore Window Positions From Last Save
  • Rollup Window to Hat
  • Rollup Window to Icon
  • Rollup Window to TitleBar
  • Save Window Positions
  • Send Window to Back
  • Toggle Monitor Fading
  • Toggle Window Always on Top
  • Toggle Window Transparency


  • Load Next Wallpaper Slideshow Image
  • Load Wallpaper Profile
  • Pause/Resume Desktop Wallpaper Animations
  • Pause/Resume Desktop Wallpaper Slideshow
  • Reload Current Wallpaper Profile
  • Toggle Desktop Wallpaper Feature
  • Toggle Website Wallpaper Mouse/Keyboard Input

Monitor Configuration

  • Load Monitor Profile
  • Load Next Monitor Profile (alphabetically)
  • Load Previous Monitor Profile (alphabetically)

Audio Devices

  • Set Next Playback Device as Default
  • Set Next Playback Communications Device as Default
  • Set Next Recording Device as Default
  • Set Next Recording Communications Device as Default
  • Set Previous Playback Device as Default
  • Set Previous Playback Communications Device as Default
  • Set Previous Recording Device as Default
  • Set Previous Recording Communications Device as Default

Window Position Profiles

  • Load Window Position Profile

Desktop Icon Profiles

  • Load Desktop Icon Profile

Mouse Cursor

  • Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Focused Window
  • Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor
  • Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Active Window
  • Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Current Monitor
  • Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)
  • Move Mouse Cursor to Next Monitor
  • Move Mouse Cursor to Previous Monitor
  • Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Monitor #X
  • Move Mouse Cursor to Centre of Primary Monitor
  • Move Mouse Cursor to Specified Location


  • Mirror Monitor
  • Mirror Monitor (no border)
  • Mirror Monitor with Splits
  • Mirror Monitor with Splits (no border)
  • Mirror Selected Area
  • Mirror Selected Area (no border)
  • Mirror Window
  • Mirror Window (no border)

DisplayFusion Functions

  • Open DisplayFusion Desktop Wallpaper
  • Open DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration
  • Open DisplayFusion Settings
  • Toggle Key Combinations
  • Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar
  • Toggle TitleBar Buttons
  • Toggle Triggers
  • Toggle Window Snapping

System Functions

  • Launch Application
  • Disable Screen Saver
  • Enable Screen Saver
  • Lock Desktop
  • Start Screen Saver


DisplayFusion: Creating Custom Functions


Settings > Functions Tab
Settings > Functions Tab
Editing a Function
Editing a Function
Shortcut Key Combination Editor
Shortcut Key Combination Editor
Online Scripted Function Repository
Online Scripted Function Repository
Scripted Function Editor Window
Scripted Function Editor Window
DisplayFusion TitleBar Buttons
DisplayFusion TitleBar Buttons
Run any Function from the<br/>TitleBar Button Context Menu
Run any Function from the
TitleBar Button Context Menu
Output Window Created by<br/>the &quot;Mirror Monitor&quot; Function
Output Window Created by
the "Mirror Monitor" Function
Output Window Created by<br/>the &quot;Mirror Window&quot; Function
Output Window Created by
the "Mirror Window" Function
Window Highlight Function
Window Highlight Function