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Launch and move 4 File Explorer windows if not already open

This script will check if the File Explorer windows are already open, and if not, it will open them and move them. You can edit the target monitor ID, folderPaths, and functions you want to run on the windows.
Minimum Version
Created By
Keith Lammers (BFS)
Date Created
Dec 12, 2023
Date Last Modified
Dec 12, 2023

Scripted Function (Macro) Code

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;

public static class DisplayFusionFunction
	public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
        // Set the monitor ID you want the File Explorer windows to open on
        uint targetMonitorID = 1;
        // If you want to open the File Explorer windows to specific folders, put the folder paths 
        // inside the quotes below otherwise just leave them blank
        string[] folderPaths = { @"C:\Folder1",
            @"C:\Folder4" };
        // If the windows open but don't move correctly, try adjusting this delay
        uint launchDelay = 1000;

        // Window 1
        IntPtr window1 = LaunchAndMoveFileExplorer(targetMonitorID, launchDelay, folderPaths[0]);
        BFS.DisplayFusion.RunFunctionWithWindowHandle("Move Window to Top-Left Corner and Size 50%", window1);

        // Window 2
        IntPtr window2 = LaunchAndMoveFileExplorer(targetMonitorID, launchDelay, folderPaths[1]);
        BFS.DisplayFusion.RunFunctionWithWindowHandle("Move Window to Top-Right Corner and Size 50%", window2);

        // Window 3
        IntPtr window3 = LaunchAndMoveFileExplorer(targetMonitorID, launchDelay, folderPaths[2]);
        BFS.DisplayFusion.RunFunctionWithWindowHandle("Move Window to Bottom-Left Corner and Size 50%", window3);
        // Window 4
        IntPtr window4 = LaunchAndMoveFileExplorer(targetMonitorID, launchDelay, folderPaths[3]);
        BFS.DisplayFusion.RunFunctionWithWindowHandle("Move Window to Bottom-Right Corner and Size 50%", window4);
	private static IntPtr LaunchAndMoveFileExplorer(uint targetMonitorID, uint launchDelay, string folderPath)
        // Check if the folder window is already open, if not, open it
		string folderName = Path.GetFileName(folderPath.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
		IntPtr window = BFS.Window.GetWindowByText(folderName);
		if (window == IntPtr.Zero)
			// Open the folder window
			BFS.Application.Start("C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe", folderPath.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
			// Get the window handle based on the folder name, as this is what will be in the window title
			window = BFS.Window.GetWindowByText(folderName);
			// Move the window to the target monitor
			BFS.Window.MoveToMonitor(targetMonitorID, window);
		// Return the window handle
		return window;