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Auto-Load Desktop Icon Profile

The function checks regularly, if the monitor setup has changed. In case of change it checks, if a corresponding Desktop Icon Profile exists and applies it. The profile name is built using the resolution and Y-position info of each monitor except the primary monitor where the Y-Position is 0.
I use this to automatically have the desktop icons arranged in my laptop, when I put it in a docking station or take it out.
Use the function 'Desktop Icon Profile - Auto-Save' to store your profiles with corresponding names. To make it work, place the following in your startup folder: \DisplayFusionCommand.exe -functionrun "Desktop Icon Profile - Auto-Load"
Minimum Version
Created By
Christian Treffler
Date Created
Mar 1, 2016
Date Last Modified
Mar 1, 2016

Scripted Function (Macro) Code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;

// V1.0
// by: Christian Treffler
// Thanks to kaweksl513742 whose code pointed me in the right direction to build this
// The function checks regularly, if the monitor setup has changed.
// In case of change it checks, if a corresponding Desktop Icon Profile exists and applies it
// The profile name is built using the resolution and Y-position info of each monitor
// except the primary monitor where the Y-Position is 0
// I use this to automatically have the desktop icons arranged in my laptop, 
// when I put it in a docking station or take it out
// Use the function 'Desktop Icon Profile - Auto-Save' to store your profiles with corresponding names
// To make it work, place the following in your Autostart folder:
//	<PathToDisplayFusion>\DisplayFusionCommand.exe -functionrun "Desktop Icon Profile - Auto-Load"
public static class DisplayFusionFunction
	public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
		// Refresh every n mseconds
		const int sleeptime = 3000;

		// Get Resolution of all Monitors	
		Rectangle[] Monitors = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorBounds(); 

		// strings to compare current monitor setup with the last one
		string lastsetup = buildProfileName(Monitors);
		string currentsetup = lastsetup;

		// Apply corresponding profile immediately

		while (true)

			// what's the current setup
			Monitors = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorBounds();
			currentsetup = buildProfileName(Monitors);

			if(currentsetup != lastsetup) // if changed
				lastsetup = currentsetup;

	public static void CheckAndLoad(string setup) 
	// Checks, if a Desktop Icon Profile exists dor the current setup
	// and if yes, applies it
	// Get existing profiles
		string[] profiles = BFS.DisplayFusion.GetDesktopIconsProfiles();

		for (int i = 0; i < profiles.Length; i++)
			if(profiles[i] == setup) // If profiles exist

	public static string buildProfileName(Rectangle[] screens)
		// needs System.Text to have StringBuilder class

		StringBuilder pname = new StringBuilder();

		for (int i = 0; i < screens.Length; i++) // For each monitor
			// Add monitors resolution in the format "[<Width>x<Height>, <Y>]"
			if(screens[i].X!=0 || screens[i].Y!=0) // Primary screen has coordinates [0,0]
				// Add the y-coordinate, if not primary screen

		return pname.ToString();