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Move Window to Left Side at 66% (Toggle)

This script will move the window to the left side of the screen and size it to 66% width. If it's already there, it will move it back to its original location.
Minimum Version
Created By
Keith Lammers (BFS)
Date Created
Dec 13, 2018
Date Last Modified
Dec 13, 2018

Scripted Function (Macro) Code

using System;
using System.Drawing;

public static class DisplayFusionFunction
	public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
        // Get the window's current bounds
        Rectangle currentWindowBounds = BFS.Window.GetBounds(windowHandle);
		// Set the window width percentage here
		decimal windowWidthPercent = 0.66m;
		// Get the monitor bounds
		Rectangle monitorBounds = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorWorkAreaByWindow(windowHandle);
		// Create the target window bounds
		Rectangle targetWindowBounds = new Rectangle();
		// Set the target window width to the screen width * the windowWidthPercent
		targetWindowBounds.Width = Convert.ToInt32(monitorBounds.Width * windowWidthPercent);
		// Set the target window height to 100% of the screen height
		targetWindowBounds.Height = monitorBounds.Height;
		// Set the target X value to the left side of the monitor
		targetWindowBounds.X = monitorBounds.X;
		// Set the target Y value to the top side of the monitor
		targetWindowBounds.Y = monitorBounds.Y;
		// Move the window to the target location or back to its original location
		if ((currentWindowBounds.X <= (targetWindowBounds.X - 15) || (currentWindowBounds.X >= (targetWindowBounds.X - 15))) &&
            (currentWindowBounds.Y <= (targetWindowBounds.Y - 15) || (currentWindowBounds.Y >= (targetWindowBounds.Y - 15))) &&
            currentWindowBounds.Width == targetWindowBounds.Width &&
            currentWindowBounds.Height == targetWindowBounds.Height)         
            // Move it to its original location
            BFS.Window.SetSizeAndLocation(windowHandle, Convert.ToInt32(BFS.ScriptSettings.ReadValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_X")),
                Convert.ToInt32(BFS.ScriptSettings.ReadValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_Y")),
                Convert.ToInt32(BFS.ScriptSettings.ReadValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_Width")),
                Convert.ToInt32(BFS.ScriptSettings.ReadValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_Height")));
            // Clear the previously saved bounds
            BFS.ScriptSettings.DeleteValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_X");
            BFS.ScriptSettings.DeleteValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_Y");
            BFS.ScriptSettings.DeleteValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_Width");
            BFS.ScriptSettings.DeleteValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_Height");
            // Save the window's current bounds
            BFS.ScriptSettings.WriteValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_X", currentWindowBounds.X.ToString());
            BFS.ScriptSettings.WriteValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_Y", currentWindowBounds.Y.ToString());
            BFS.ScriptSettings.WriteValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_Width", currentWindowBounds.Width.ToString());
            BFS.ScriptSettings.WriteValue(windowHandle.ToString("X8") + "_Height", currentWindowBounds.Height.ToString());
            // Move the window to the target location
            BFS.Window.SetSizeAndLocation(windowHandle, targetWindowBounds.X,  targetWindowBounds.Y, targetWindowBounds.Width, targetWindowBounds.Height);
        // Clean up saved bounds for windows that no longer exist
        foreach (string valueName in BFS.ScriptSettings.GetValueNames())
            IntPtr[] windowHandles = BFS.Window.GetVisibleAndMinimizedWindowHandles();
            bool windowStillExists = false;

            foreach (IntPtr window in windowHandles)
                if (valueName.Contains(window.ToString("X8")))
                    windowStillExists = true;

            if (!windowStillExists)