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Set Outlook Reminder Windows Always On Top & Move to Center (ignore splits)

This is a script that loops in the background looking for Outlook Reminder windows. When it finds one, it will make it topmost and centre it on the monitor that the mouse cursor is currently on.
Minimum Version
Created By
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)
Date Created
Jul 14, 2021
Date Last Modified
Jul 14, 2021

Scripted Function (Macro) Code

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public static class DisplayFusionFunction
	public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
        // Set the amount of time (in milliseconds) between loops (lowering this time will increase CPU usage)
        uint waitTime = 1000;
        // Script setup stuff
        var previousList = new List<IntPtr>();
        var currentList = new List<IntPtr>();

		while (true) // Loop forever (exit the script via its icon in the system tray)
            // Clear the current list of windows
            BFS.General.LogText("MoveOutlookReminderWindows: Current list cleared: " + currentList.Count.ToString());
            // Add the current Outlook or Word window handles to a list
            currentList = GetOpenOutlookReminderWindows();
            // Compare the list from the previous run to the list from the current run and move any new ones
            foreach (IntPtr window in currentList)
                if (!(previousList.Contains(window)))
                    // Set the window to always on top
					BFS.Window.SetAlwaysOnTop(window, true);
					// Get the mouse position
					Point mousePosition = new Point(BFS.Input.GetMousePositionX(), BFS.Input.GetMousePositionY());

					// Get the window size and location
					Rectangle windowBounds = BFS.Window.GetBounds(window);

					// Get an array of the bounds for all monitors ignoring splits
					Rectangle[] monitorBoundsAll = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorBoundsNoSplits();

					// Loop through the array of bounds and move the window to the centre of whichever one the mouse cursor is on
					foreach (Rectangle monitorBounds in monitorBoundsAll)
						if (monitorBounds.Contains(mousePosition))
							BFS.Window.SetLocation(window, monitorBounds.X + ((monitorBounds.Width - windowBounds.Width) / 2), monitorBounds.Y + ((monitorBounds.Height - windowBounds.Height) / 2));
					// Log the action
                    BFS.General.LogText("MoveOutlookReminderWindows: Reminder window brought to top and centred: " + window.ToString() + " " + BFS.Window.GetText(window));
                    BFS.General.LogText("MoveOutlookReminderWindows: Window added to previous list: " + window.ToString() + " " + previousList.Count.ToString());
            // If the previous list has windows that aren't in the new list, mark them for deletion
            var closedWindows = new List<IntPtr>();
            foreach (IntPtr window in previousList)
                if (!(currentList.Contains(window)))
                    // Re-check the current list for Outlook windows that were quickly removed/re-added
                    var refreshedList = new List<IntPtr>();
                    refreshedList = GetOpenOutlookReminderWindows();
                    if (!(refreshedList.Contains(window)))
                        BFS.General.LogText("MoveOutlookReminderWindows: Window marked for deletion: " + window.ToString());
            // Delete the closed windows from the previous list
            foreach (IntPtr window in closedWindows)
                BFS.General.LogText("MoveOutlookReminderWindows: Window deleted: " + window.ToString()  + " " + previousList.Count.ToString());
            // Wait before looping to prevent the CPU from running up
	private static List<IntPtr> GetOpenOutlookReminderWindows()
        var windowList = new List<IntPtr>();
        foreach (IntPtr window in BFS.Window.GetVisibleAndMinimizedWindowHandles())
            if (BFS.Application.GetMainFileByWindow(window).ToLower().Contains("outlook.exe") && BFS.Window.GetText(window).Contains(" " + "Reminder(s)"))
                BFS.General.LogText("MoveOutlookReminderWindows: Window added to current list: " + window.ToString() + " " + windowList.Count.ToString());
        return windowList;