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Select Audio-Device (Yes/No Dialog)

I use this function to toggle between two audio-devices with minimum UI-Interaction (just Y/N-Selection instead of having to deal with Listboxes etc.) You will need to update the code and enter the names of your devices - fear not: there's even commented code to show the names, in case you don't know them!
Minimum Version
Created By
Date Created
Jun 10, 2019
Date Last Modified
Jun 10, 2019

Scripted Function (Macro) Code

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;

public static class DisplayFusionFunction {
    public static void Run () {
        //*** Typical usage scenario is to toggle between 2 devices - so make sure to enter the names of your devices here: (if you have problems getting them correctly, try uncommenting line 14-17)
        string[] myPreferredDevices = { "Speakers/Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio)", "Lautsprecher (5- Sennheiser USB headset)" };
        string[] devList = BFS.Audio.GetPlaybackDevices ();
        string foo = string.Concat ("Devices", String.Join (",", devList.ToArray ()));
        string currDevice = BFS.Audio.GetDefaultPlaybackSounds ();
        string[] filteredList = devList.Intersect (myPreferredDevices, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToArray ();

        // Diagnosis to see name of devices etc.
        //foo = string.Concat(foo, "\n");
        //foo = string.Concat(foo, String.Join("," , filteredList.ToArray()));
        //       BFS.Dialog.ShowMessageError(foo);

        string selectedAudioDevice = "";
        bool doIt = false;

        if (filteredList.Length == 0) {
            BFS.Dialog.ShowMessageError ("No Audio Devices Found!");
        } else if (filteredList.Length == 2) {
            int i = Array.IndexOf (filteredList, currDevice);
            int j = (i == 0) ? 1 : 0;
            string msg = String.Concat ("Press Yes to switch to device ", filteredList[j]);
            doIt = BFS.Dialog.GetUserConfirm (msg);
            selectedAudioDevice = filteredList[j];
        } else {
            // Prompt to select an audio device
            selectedAudioDevice = BFS.Dialog.GetUserInputList ("Please select an audio device:", devList);
            doIt = true;
        if (doIt) {
            // Set the selected device as the default playback device
            BFS.Audio.SetDefaultPlaybackSounds (selectedAudioDevice);

            // Set the selected device as the default communication device
            BFS.Audio.SetDefaultPlaybackCommunications (selectedAudioDevice);