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Move Window to Monitor on the Right and Maximize It

This function looks at physical monitor position (just X axis) and transfers window on first monitor on the RIGHT.
Minimum Version
Created By
Antonio Bakula
Date Created
Oct 28, 2016
Date Last Modified
Oct 28, 2016

Scripted Function (Macro) Code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;

// The 'windowHandle' parameter will contain the window handle for the:
//   - Active window when run by hotkey
//   - Trigger target when run by a Trigger rule
//   - TitleBar Button owner when run by a TitleBar Button
//   - Jump List owner when run from a Taskbar Jump List
//   - Currently focused window if none of these match

// This function looks at physical monitor position (just X axis) and transfers window on first monitor on the RIGHT

  //          Monitors setup on my Laptop when docked
  //+-------------------------+   +-------------------------+
  //|                         |   |                         |
  //|                         |   |                         |
  //|  Monitor 2 (1680x1050)  |   |  Monitor 3 (1680x1050)  |
  //|                         |   |                         |
  //|                         |   |                         |
  //|                         |   |                         |
  //+-------------------------+   +-------------------------+

  //         +------------------------------+
  //         |                              |
  //         |                              |
  //         |    Monitor 1  (1920x1080)    |
  //         |                              |
  //         |                              |
  //         |                              |
  //         +------------------------------+

// when invoked on monitor 1 it will transfer window on monitor 3
// when invoked on monitor 2 it will transfer window on monitor 1
// when invoked on monitor 3 it will transfer window on monitor 2

public static class DisplayFusionFunction
    public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
      var mhor = new MonitorsHorizontalOrder();
      uint handleMonitor = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorIDByWindow(windowHandle);
      uint targetMonitor = mhor.GetMonitorOnTheRight(handleMonitor);
      if (handleMonitor != targetMonitor)
        BFS.Window.MoveToMonitorMaximized(targetMonitor, windowHandle);
  public class WindowBoundsInfo
    public uint MonitorID { get; set; }
    public Rectangle Bounds { get; set; }

    public WindowBoundsInfo(uint monID)
      this.Bounds = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorBoundsByID(monID);
      this.MonitorID = monID;

  public class MonitorsHorizontalOrder
    private List<WindowBoundsInfo> monitorOrderedBounds;

    public MonitorsHorizontalOrder()
      var monitorIds = BFS.Monitor.GetMonitorIDs();
    public MonitorsHorizontalOrder(IEnumerable<uint> monitorIds)

    private void GetInfoAndOrderMonitorsHorizontally(IEnumerable<uint> monitorIds)
      this.monitorOrderedBounds = monitorIds.Select(mid => new WindowBoundsInfo(mid)).OrderBy(wbi => wbi.Bounds.Left).ToList();


    public uint GetMonitorOnTheLeft(uint monID)
      var index = GetMonitorIndexInList(monID);
      if (index.HasValue)
        if (index.Value > 0)
          return this.monitorOrderedBounds[index.Value - 1].MonitorID;
          return this.monitorOrderedBounds.Last().MonitorID;
      // fail safe 
      return monID;

    public uint GetMonitorOnTheRight(uint monID)
      var index = GetMonitorIndexInList(monID);
      if (index.HasValue)
        if (index.Value == this.monitorOrderedBounds.Count-1)
          return this.monitorOrderedBounds.First().MonitorID;
          return this.monitorOrderedBounds[index.Value + 1].MonitorID;
      // default 
      return monID;

    private int? GetMonitorIndexInList(uint monID)
      int? index = null;
      var currentInfo = this.monitorOrderedBounds.FirstOrDefault(wbi => wbi.MonitorID == monID);
      if (currentInfo != null)
        index = this.monitorOrderedBounds.IndexOf(currentInfo);
      return index;

