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James Conaway
3 discussion posts
Love the product. Just bought it.

1. Is there a way to have a button that moves windows to specific monitors with a click?

2. Is there a way to black out certain monitors? I like to focus on the primary monitor sometimes and black out the side ones so they don't distract from the central one. Looking to avoid having to turn them on/off manually. One click button type solution.

May 16, 2016  • #1
danlock's profile on
In the Functions menu, you can click on the [Download Scripted] button. The script in that list called "Fade All Monitors Except Primary" will do what you want by fading to black all monitors except your primary monitor (run the script again to restore the non-default monitor(s) to the default brightness).

You can toggle whether that function appears in the titlebar of windows, in the jump list which appears when right-clicking the button on DisplayFusion menus, or set it to a key combination of your choice (such as CTRL+WIN+F or whatever you want).

Good luck!
May 16, 2016 (modified May 16, 2016)  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for answering @danlock!

@James: For #1, select the "Move Window to Different Monitor" function on the Settings > Functions tab, then click "Toggle TitleBar Button" :)

Hope that helps!
May 18, 2016  • #3
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