2 discussion posts
Hi I have three monitors, numbered from left to right 2,1,3. I figure this is just the way Windows decided to number them, I don't have much control.
I like your toolbar, however the move right and move left buttons seem to only move a window by the window number, as opposed to their layout in Windows (eg move right from monitor 1 (center) will move it to the monitor 2 (left) instead of 3 (right)).
I briefly looked at your forum for a solution but the only one I found was to change the icons, however this would not work for me as the monitors are not laid out in order.
This deficiency has caused me to look at other multi-screen utilities -- and one very similar to yours (except it offers much less features), UltraMon, gets the monitors arranged correctly. I like your utility, but please offer me a fix!
EDIT: I just noticed that you guys do detect the monitor position (like if I click Desktop Wallpaper) but the next monitor/previous monitor buttons act like well... next and previous as opposed to right left.