24 discussion posts
You asked for feedback, good or bad. With this beta: no multiple hooks, and the title bar buttons are working perfectly, on both regular & maximized windows, on my 3-monitor system (W7 x64 RC). Very nice....

229 discussion posts
All working great for me in B8; hey your fast by the way!
Another Beta tester asks if DF should have titlebar buttons by default they also think they look tacky.
I think the buttons look elegant and simple yet reflect their function - however are very personal impression and there would vary. Maybe there could be button sets of different styles - something that could be added later?
Re to enabling the titlebar buttons by default; can you code to test for multiple monitors; if so enable when found; if single monitor then disable?
Personally I use the keyboard - but every non techy user I talk to with a mulimon setup wants a button to click.