6 discussion posts
Hi, and thanks for a very nice software.
Unfortunately I have problem since upgrading from 3.0.4 to 3.0.6. I use WinXP, and since the upgrade, there is sometimes a delay of 1-2 seconds between clicking on the taskbar item (e.g. of a Word window) and bringing the corresponding window to the foreground.
Granted, it is a minor annoyance, but my first instinctive reaction is to click again, because I assume the first click "didn't take", which of course minimizes the window after the delay is finished.
The delay isn't always present, which makes it hard to reproduce. Usually after it happened once, it won't happen again for a few minutes.
The preview function is not the cause, the delay also happens with deactivated preview.

6 discussion posts
Thank you, that delay is really annoying. Looking forward to the next version!

6 discussion posts
I'm sorry to say that the issue still crops up in version 3.1.3. Is it possible to go put the download of version 3.0.4 back up? I did not encounter the problem there.
I have attached a copy of version 3.0.4 to this post. Can you give it a try and let me know if it works for you? Thanks!

6 discussion posts
3.0.4 seems to work fine for me, I haven't noticed the delay anymore.

6 discussion posts
I installed the beta, so far the delay hasn't occured. I'm not saying the bug is gone, as it doesn't always occur, but so far it looks good.
Unfortunately I have another problem. On my main screen, I have a grey square that stays in front of all windows. I first noticed it with 3.1.2 (I think), but since I didn't keep that for long, I forgot about it. See attached screenshot.
Basically I can neither see nor click on anything unter this square. Closing and restarting DF (which I keep reading as "Dwarf Fortress" by the way ... great game) seems to take care of the problem ... for now.


6 discussion posts
Update concerning the delay: just happened again when clicking on an Excel tab on the additional toolbar with the beta version.
The frequency of the delay occurance seems to be reduced quite a bit though.