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284 discussion posts
1. A bug or perhaps just an aesthetic issue - when there are grouped buttons on the DF Taskbar (say two Outlook 2010 windows), the highlight when the mouse hovers over the group extends past the group when there are only two icons in the group (the hilight is three grouped icons wide).

2. Another aesthetic issue - the hilight color does not seem to be computed consistently or the same as Windows 7 - even though the group icon doesn't change, the hilight color with the reminder dialog focused is orange, but with a calendar window focused it is bluish - perhaps the hilight color logic isn't taking into account the grouped icon selection logic?

3. The hilight doesn't appear to be drawn the same as Windows 7 - with an Excel 2010 button, Windows 7 lights most of the icon in light green with a shiny white spot above the bottom of the icon horizontally even with the mouse cursor, DF puts a dark green gradient cone above the bottom of the icon horizontally even with the mouse cursor.

4. With three grouped icons on the 2nd monitor (Outlook) I clicked on the Reminder dialog title button to move to next monitor. The dialog moved, had focus before and after move, but the grouped icons on the DF taskbar showed a three (grouped) icon wide hilight like the mouse was hovering above them after the dialog moved. Before the move, the icons just showed the normal white hilight of the focused group.
Apr 11, 2012  • #1
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256 discussion posts
2. The grouping seems to be a little different on the DF taskbar. When I have my Inbox and Calendar window open and grouped, the Win taskbar shows only a Microsoft Outlook icon, regardless of window is active. The DF taskbar changes between Inbox and Calendar on the icon, depending on what is active.
Apr 13, 2012  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hey guys, sorry for the late response. I am planning to check these out first thing next week, and I'll be sure to post an update as soon as I have one.

Apr 13, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've tested and confirmed 1, 2, and 3, and we'll see what we can do.

As for #4, I couldn't reproduce it. Are there any special steps? I just had a few Outlook windows open, setup a reminder, and when it opened, I used the TitleBar Button to move it to the next monitor, but everything behaved as it should.
Apr 16, 2012  • #4
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284 discussion posts
That does appear difficult to replicate - testing just now, at first I couldn't get it to stop, then I couldn't get it to mess up.

I'll try so more testing to see if I can pin it down.
Apr 16, 2012  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The grouped highlighting/icons issue (#2, and possible #4) should be fixed up in 4.0 Beta 13. Could you guys test it out and confirm when you have a chance?

Apr 20, 2012  • #6
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284 discussion posts
Issue #2 is fixed; issue #4 is not - when I clicked the move to next window button on the Reminder dialog, the grouped icons for the remaining two Outlook windows highlighted orange covering three spaces (issue #1 + #4). But it is the right color! :)

I have duplicated #4 with Internet Explorer as well - have three IE windows open on secondary monitor with DF Taskbar showing grouped IE icon stack. Click IE icon stack three times cycling windows. Click Next Monitor button then click titlebar of new topmost IE window on secondary monitor. See extra blue highlight covering three icon stack of horizontal space, as well as white hilighting indicating active stack.
Apr 20, 2012  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok awesome, we're still working on those other issues, so I'll be sure to post an update as soon as they're fixed up as well.

Apr 20, 2012  • #8
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284 discussion posts
I noticed I can also cause #4 like so:

1. Have 3 Windows Explorer windows open on DF Taskbar monitor
2. Click on stack to cycle through the three windows
3. Click on X to close topmost explorer window
4. See DF Taskbar icon group inappropriately show hover hilight
Apr 24, 2012  • #9
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