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Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
If you were having any sort of taskbar hanging or crashing issues in previous versions, please download DisplayFusion 4.1 Beta 7 (, and post the results here on whether or not it still hangs or crashes.

Jun 22, 2012 (modified Jun 22, 2012)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We just found a bit of a show-stopping bug in Beta 6, so we've had to pull it for now. We'll be fixing it up, and hopefully will have Beta 7 posted soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience!
Jun 22, 2012  • #2
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39 discussion posts

Just wanted you to know that since 4.1b5, I have _not_ had those situations where *OVERLY* excessive memory usage (ie, ~1.5GB upwards) has been seen. The most I've seen after having the machine run for ~18 hours without my disturbing it has been ~475M allocated. The average I am seeing now seems to hover between ~125M-175M.

So, thanks for taking the time to look at the logs and having the patience to figure it out!
Jun 22, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@mlatin: Excellent, glad to hear it!
Jun 22, 2012  • #4
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68 discussion posts
DisplayFusion seems to no longer freeze now, but I can't say that I am 100% about this, seeing that the last freeze took weeks before freezing...
Jun 24, 2012  • #5
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Troy Jones
36 discussion posts
Just an FYI, B7 seems to of fixed the issues I reported on the old thread, Thanks!
Jun 25, 2012  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear it guys! Please let me know if you do run into any more hangs/crashes.

Jun 26, 2012  • #7
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68 discussion posts
Bad news :( It just crashed again....
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [3,710,475 bytes]
Jul 1, 2012  • #8
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Mine is crashing every 20 minutes or so I am on Beta 7. Log attached.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [1,092,705 bytes]
Jul 2, 2012  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the logs guys! Were you still on 4.1 Beta 7? If so, could you try updating to 4.1 Beta 9? We've made some changes that should at least fix up Scott's issue, and I'm curious to find out if it fixes up yours as well, Giant.

Jul 3, 2012  • #10
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Sorry, should have told you, am already on 4.1 b9. I think I may finally have actually 99% certain found the culprit though! :)

DF seems to crash only when I have Photoshop open. Happens on both CS5 and CS6, even when there are no files or such open. I think Photoshop needs to just sit for a while, for DF to crash.

Kinda hope that might bring you closer to a fix! :)
Jul 3, 2012  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Giant: Interesting, I'll have to try that out!
Jul 4, 2012  • #12
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7 discussion posts
Updated to Beta 9 and crashed again. Log attached.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [2,851,719 bytes]
Jul 5, 2012  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, we'll need to start turning features off and on to narrow down which one is causing the crash.

Would you be able to try disabling the System Tray feature on the DisplayFusion taskbar(s) (right-click the taskbar(s) and navigate to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > System Tray > Disabled)?

Jul 5, 2012  • #14
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Ok I did that will let you know.
Jul 5, 2012  • #15
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Ok I am still crashing it seems to be RDC Main which is remote control desktop manager allows me to open a bunch of RDP sessions to my servers that is crashing that was the only thing I was running on the secondary monitor at the time. I have other things open on the main one though.
Jul 6, 2012  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, so it was still crashing, even with the System Tray disabled then? I'll check out RDC Main and see if I can reproduce the issue here. How long did it take before it crashed when RDC Main was running on the second monitor?
Jul 6, 2012  • #17
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Ok Keith, I think am calling my case related to certain circumstances and unpredictability of computers... The frequency my crash happens at is VERY low, like 1 in a million I suppose... When it happens I'll just live with the fact it crashed. And maybe in the future I'll find out what causes it, but for now, I think it's fair to say it's not reproducible, not even by me :D And that causes the effort to be higher then the gain, so I don't think it's entirely worth it... You seem to have squeezed a lot of the crashes I had earlier out already. And I think the final parts is because I'm not running an entirely "legal" version of photoshop hehe... Or perhaps due too my own systems weirdness :) (I build it, so it's gotta be weird! :D)

Thanks for all your time in this matter though! :)

Kind regards,
Jul 6, 2012 (modified Jul 6, 2012)  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Scott: Just to verify, is it this application that you're using when DisplayFusion crashes?

@Giant: Ok, no worries. If there's anything else we can think of to troubleshoot on your system, I'll be sure to let you know.
Jul 9, 2012  • #19
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Michael Cash
7 discussion posts
Not sure if this is the right thread but I followed the prior thread here.

I've been having these lockups for quite a while and put it off on the new SSD I installed a few months ago (about the same time I got DF Pro)

Symptoms are the same as most mentioned. Hard drive access light goes on and stays on. My system seems to go unresponsive, mouse still moves and will sometimes open windows srtart menu but not close it or respond to clicks. The DF taskbars stop working altogether. If I click on the DF Start Menu the space behind the icon goes black and nothing happens.

Last night I noticed that my Phys mem usage had jumped up about a gb over what I normally see at idle so I pulled up taskmanager and saw it was Displayfusion was using the extra mem and about 4100 handles. Computer locked up (as described) right after I tried to close DF.

I don't have Photoshop or use RDC and for me it seemed that it "might" be related to Acronis running scheduled backups, which is why I initially thought it was the SSD. Right now I've turned off everything but the Taskbars, Windows Logon and Wallpaper to see if that helps.

edit: it does seem that this is related to uptime I have stopped allowing my system to run overnight because of it. Most crashes would happen in the evenings or after 18+ hours.

Three monitor setup. W7 x64 latest updates. DF 4.1.0 (Beta 9)
Jul 14, 2012 (modified Jul 14, 2012)  • #20
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Hugo Patten
9 discussion posts
Hi (Windows 7 Pro 64bit, 2 screens)

I haven't been following recent posts on this forum because I completely uninstalled 4.1 beta 9 about a fortnight ago. This is why:

I'd been having complete freezes necessitating safe mode system restores every 2 or 3 days until 4.1. beta 7 (see my earlier postings). At first it seemed to have solved the freeze problem. However a freeze eventually happened and for safety and because of the tedious procedures needed to clear the freeze, I decided not to allow DF to start at all. But I did not uninstall it. To my astonishment I suffered another freeze a day or two later. I then completely uninstalled DF and have not any trouble since.

My observations and guesses:

  • I have a strong feeling that in my case the freeze itself is due to Windows Explorer malfunctioning, not DF itself - eg there is no excess core or CPU usage by DF.
  • Maybe my problem has nothing to do with DF, but I can't believe that.
  • I guess that when DF is installed, some changes are made to system config data that Explorer also uses.
  • Somehow, these changes eventually cause Explorer to malfunction

I'm probably completely wrong, but you never know. A final point - the freeze has always occurred when I have a large number of windows open and am switching screens with one of them
Jul 14, 2012  • #21
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Yes that is the correct program.
Jul 16, 2012  • #22
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Just so you know I have been running RDCMan since its release in 2010 and also DF at the same time. I cannot ever remember it causing DF (which I always run with most recent version) to crash.
Jul 16, 2012  • #23
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7 discussion posts
I ran it fine as well on my other machine I got a new desktop and now nothing but crashing.
Jul 16, 2012  • #24
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Paul Spoerry1
2 discussion posts
DF is constantly using 10-15% cpu (quad core i7), even when I'm only using the laptop display. It's using around 130,000k memory; I don't know if the memory use is high for this kind of app or not but the cpu use seems through the roof. I'm on 4.1.0 b9. Before jumping up to the beta the cpu usage was even higher so something since then is helping. Oh, and I saw on one thread a question about Bins. I am using Bins.
• Attachment [protected]: displayFusionLog.txt [51,619 bytes]
Jul 17, 2012  • #25
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Scott, hjpatten, and Michael Cash: Could you please copy the info from the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab into a .txt file and attach it here? I'm going to compare some info about your systems to see if I can find any similarities that might give us a clue as to where we should be starting when trying to reproduce the crashes/hangs.

@Paul: Which version of Bins are you currently running?
Jul 17, 2012  • #26
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Michael Cash
7 discussion posts
Requested file attached.
• Attachment [protected]: mcash.txt [47,613 bytes]
Jul 17, 2012  • #27
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68 discussion posts
Hey Keith,

A bit off topic maybe, but is there any way I can "unsubscribe" from this topic? I know it's possible somewhere, but I can't find it anymore :(...
Jul 17, 2012  • #28
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Hugo Patten
9 discussion posts
My .txt file attached here also
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings.txt [39,295 bytes]
Jul 18, 2012  • #29
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Paul Spoerry1
2 discussion posts
@Keith I was on the most current non-beta. Finding the beta on their forums was next to impossible but after searching here someone had posted a link. I installed the Bins beta v1.0.0.224 and DF cpu use sits at around 50m and is using next to no CPU. The bins beta seems to have resolved all my issues! (DF rawks... the program is so handy I love it!)
Jul 18, 2012  • #30
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Hugo Patten
9 discussion posts
Keith: some further info.

In order to provide you with the file you wanted I had to install 4.1. beta 9 briefly. I created a restore point, installed DF, made the .txt file, uninstalled DF, then immediately did a system restore, which made a successful warm restart.

I did not go into safe mode to do the system restore - I thought it would be overkill!

This morning the system came up frozen when I switched on. I did my usual safe mode restore (from an earlier restore point for safety) and all is OK so far.

An obvious difference between an ordinary and a safe mode restore is that the latter is using only 1 screen.

Shutdown when the system is frozen takes about 40 minutes. I don't suppose many people can have seen this screen message:
Jul 19, 2012  • #31
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Michael Cash
7 discussion posts
I don't suppose many people can have seen this screen message:

I see it everytime I shut down while DF is running.
Jul 19, 2012  • #32
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Troubleshooting Text attached.
• Attachment [protected]: Dispaly Fusion.txt [47,780 bytes]
Jul 19, 2012  • #33
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks guys! We'll check it this info and post an update when we have more news.
Jul 19, 2012  • #34
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Michael: Could you try disabling the Application Hooks option in the DisplayFusion Advanced Settings and restart DisplayFusion? Some functionality will break, but I'm curious to see if that makes a difference at all for you.

Jul 20, 2012  • #35
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Michael Cash
7 discussion posts
@Michael: Could you try disabling the Application Hooks option in the DisplayFusion Advanced Settings and restart DisplayFusion? Some functionality will break, but I'm curious to see if that makes a difference at all for you.


I changed the setting, closed DF, restarted DF and then rebooted with DF running and it worked! Clean reboot without the explorer error.
Jul 20, 2012 (modified Jul 20, 2012)  • #36
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting! Could you update to 4.1 Beta 11, re-enable the hooks, and if you still have issues with DisplayFusion hanging, do the following?
  • Enable debug logging on the Troubleshooting tab (set it to Logging: All Lines) and click Apply
  • Reboot and wait for it to hang (please note the time so I'll know where to look in the log file)
  • Send me the %appdata%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log file (can be found by clicking the 'Open Log' button on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • Disable debug logging after sending me the log
Jul 24, 2012  • #37
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Scott: If you update to 4.1 Beta 11, disable the Application Hooks in the Advanced Settings and restart DisplayFusion, does it still crash?
Jul 24, 2012  • #38
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Michael Cash
7 discussion posts
@Keith, sorry I'm traveling this week. I'll try it when I get back on Saturday.
Jul 24, 2012  • #39
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