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madLyfe's profile on
i am on a fresh install of win7 with my trading software loaded up and DF 5.0 beta 1 and im getting a crash. there are many windows open with my trading software and they are divided into 3 'workspaces' kinda like virtual desktops but within the trading software.. anways when im paging between workspaces i start to lose windows and then i end up getting a DF crash.. i have enabled logging of all items and im not sure what i need to send or upload after i make it crash again.
Nov 14, 2012  • #1
madLyfe's profile on
i am on a fresh install of win7 with my trading software loaded up and DF 5.0 beta 1 and im getting a crash. there are many windows open with my trading software and they are divided into 3 'workspaces' kinda like virtual desktops but within the trading software.. anways when im paging between workspaces i start to lose windows and then i end up getting a DF crash.. i have enabled logging of all items and im not sure what i need to send or upload after i make it crash again.

got this as well:

An unknown error has occurred.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Nov 15, 2012  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The next time it crashes with the "Object reference..." error, could you please note the time that it happened, and send the debug log located in %APPDATA%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log? You can located it easily using the "Open Log" button on the Troubleshooting tab.

Nov 15, 2012  • #3
madLyfe's profile on
The next time it crashes with the "Object reference..." error, could you please note the time that it happened, and send the debug log located in %APPDATA%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log? You can located it easily using the "Open Log" button on the Troubleshooting tab.


sure, where should i send it to?

also, when getting these crashes this is the first time ive had this error popup.. most of the time it just crashes with no popup. is there a diff procedure you want me to take if i get no error popup but a crash?
Nov 16, 2012  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Nope, same steps apply for any crash, just let me know how it crashed when you send the log. You can attach it in this Discussions topic, just leave the "Protect these attachments" option enabled.
Nov 16, 2012  • #5
madLyfe's profile on
crashed around 7:50AM this morning. was switching between workspaces on my trading program, NinjaTrader.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [5,557,232 bytes]
Dec 5, 2012  • #6
madLyfe's profile on
had another one at 9:14 am.. dunno if this log is any better or not..
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [3,587,786 bytes]
Dec 5, 2012  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! To clarify the circumstances of the crash: Did DisplayFusion completely crash, requiring you to re-launch it? Or did it just throw the "Object Reference..." error?
Dec 6, 2012  • #8
madLyfe's profile on
complete crash, and sometimes it doesnt give the error at all. i actually just had a crash that didnt give an error, but gave a windows error. the error was something about window manager has stopped working? DWM was what i think it was? digital window manager maybe? i should have taken a screeny but i am busy building another computer atm and forgot.. never had this crash before and i wasnt even doing anything for this one, i just noticed it on my screen when i popped up at a glance then all my monitors taskbars were gone and it DF was closed. here are those logs..
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [6,365,261 bytes]
Dec 6, 2012  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks for the logs and the extra details. We've found something interesting in the log. It seems that DisplayFusion is shutting down, and then crashing during the shutdown.

The interesting part is that it doesn't appear to be DisplayFusion that's shutting itself down, as we're not seeing the line in the log that would indicate that DisplayFusion told itself to shutdown. So, it looks like some other program on your system could possibly be sending the WM_CLOSE message to DisplayFusion, and then when DisplayFusion is shutting down, for some reason it's crashing.

The next time it crashes, would you be able to start it backup, and send me a copy of the info from the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, before opening or closing any other programs? This way we'll be able to see a list of the processes running on your system at the time of the crash, and maybe we'll be able to see something interesting.

If we can find the program that's telling DisplayFusion to shutdown, hopefully we can install it and reproduce it here for further debugging.

Dec 6, 2012  • #10
madLyfe's profile on
i copied it to clipboard and put it into a text file? im think thats what your asking.. i havnt opened anything since the last crash file i posted accept for restarting DF..
• Attachment [protected]: New Text Document.txt [74,645 bytes]
Dec 6, 2012 (modified Dec 6, 2012)  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks! I didn't see anything in the process list that I would suspect is causing this issue.

We're going to add a bit of extra logging to Beta 6 to try and confirm that DisplayFusion is actually receiving a WM_CLOSE message before it starts shutting down. I'll let you know as soon as it's available.

Dec 6, 2012  • #12
madLyfe's profile on
thanks for your help Keith!
Dec 6, 2012  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, hopefully we'll be able to get this sorted out!
Dec 6, 2012  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, Beta 6 is now available. Could you update to it, enable Logging: All Lines on the Troubleshooting tab, and send a new copy of the debug log, along with the time of the crash the next time it happens?

Jan 3, 2013  • #15
madLyfe's profile on
Ok, Beta 6 is now available. Could you update to it, enable Logging: All Lines on the Troubleshooting tab, and send a new copy of the debug log, along with the time of the crash the next time it happens?


yep, updated and will report back the next time i get a crash.. i might be able to make it crash too.. ill give it a whirl!
Jan 3, 2013  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just wanted to follow-up to see how it's going with 5.0 Beta 6. Any crashes since updating?
Jan 17, 2013  • #17
madLyfe's profile on
Just wanted to follow-up to see how it's going with 5.0 Beta 6. Any crashes since updating?

not yet, but i will be sure to post once i get another one.
Jan 18, 2013  • #18
madLyfe's profile on
i am able to reproduce the crash by paging through my trading softwares workspaces really fast.. anyways the crash happened between 11:20 and 11:25 pm CST. here is the copied log file
• Attachment [protected]: New Text Document.txt [72,220 bytes]
Jan 18, 2013  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, we think we've actually gotten this fixed up in 5.0 Beta 7. I'll let you know as soon as it's ready to try out.

Jan 18, 2013  • #20
madLyfe's profile on
Ok, we think we've actually gotten this fixed up in 5.0 Beta 7. I'll let you know as soon as it's ready to try out.


downloaded and installed beta 7
Jan 19, 2013 (modified Jan 19, 2013)  • #21
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, was just about to post a follow-up :)

Please let me know how it works out!
Jan 19, 2013  • #22
madLyfe's profile on
had it crash again on beta 7.. happened like at 3:08 or 3:09am CST..
• Attachment [protected]: New Text Document.txt [75,808 bytes]
Jan 25, 2013  • #23
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, we're making a few more changes for Beta 8, so I'll let you know as soon as it's ready to test.

Jan 25, 2013  • #24
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released DisplayFusion 5.0 Beta 8 (, could you give it a try and post another log if it crashes? Please note that I'm looking for the debug log (C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log), not the Troubleshooting info :)

Jan 26, 2013  • #25
madLyfe's profile on
We've just released DisplayFusion 5.0 Beta 8 (, could you give it a try and post another log if it crashes? Please note that I'm looking for the debug log (C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log), not the Troubleshooting info :)


here is another crash: "An unknown error has occurred.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [5,545,239 bytes]
Feb 8, 2013  • #26
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok thanks! We'll check this out.

In the meantime, do you remember if you were having this issue in 4.3? Or did it only start in 5.0 Beta 1? If you could try 4.3 again to confirm, that would be great!
Feb 8, 2013 (modified Feb 8, 2013)  • #27
madLyfe's profile on
Ok thanks! We'll check this out.

In the meantime, do you remember if you were having this issue in 4.3? Or did it only start in 5.0 Beta 1? If you could try 4.3 again to confirm, that would be great!

i dont think i got back into using DF until 5.0
Feb 8, 2013  • #28
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, would you be able to try 4.3 anyhow? If it's something that broke between 4.3 and 5.0 Beta 1, we should hopefully be able to narrow down what change made it occur.
Feb 12, 2013  • #29
madLyfe's profile on
Ok, would you be able to try 4.3 anyhow? If it's something that broke between 4.3 and 5.0 Beta 1, we should hopefully be able to narrow down what change made it occur.

sure, but wont that mess with my settings? i remember going between versions before and it messed up my settings..
Feb 12, 2013  • #30
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The only settings that might be affected by switching back to 4.3 would be the wallpaper settings. Everything else should be ok. DisplayFusion makes a backup of the settings any time the installer runs, so even if something gets messed up, you should be able to restore the backup after updating to 5.0 again :)
Feb 12, 2013  • #31
madLyfe's profile on
The only settings that might be affected by switching back to 4.3 would be the wallpaper settings. Everything else should be ok. DisplayFusion makes a backup of the settings any time the installer runs, so even if something gets messed up, you should be able to restore the backup after updating to 5.0 again :)

so just install 4.3 over 5.0?
Feb 12, 2013  • #32
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Feb 12, 2013  • #33
madLyfe's profile on
i just had another crash when i tried to click on a dropbox pop up balloon in the icon tray.. here is the log..
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [5,202,250 bytes]
Mar 22, 2013  • #34
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting! Does this happen every time you try to click a Dropbox tray notification?
Mar 25, 2013  • #35
madLyfe's profile on
Interesting! Does this happen every time you try to click a Dropbox tray notification?

not happened more than once so far.
Mar 25, 2013  • #36
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, interesting! Too bad it's so intermittent, makes it hard to track down :(

At any rate, we've made some changes for 5.1 Beta 1 that should hopefully help, so I'll be sure to let you know as soon as it's available to try out.

Mar 27, 2013  • #37
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion 5.1 Beta 2 is now available, could you give it a try when you have a chance and let me know if you still experience any crashes?

Apr 5, 2013  • #38
madLyfe's profile on
DisplayFusion 5.1 Beta 2 is now available, could you give it a try when you have a chance and let me know if you still experience any crashes?


ya I will play with it and let ya know if I find anything...
Apr 5, 2013  • #39
madLyfe's profile on
had another crash when working with my trading software windows/workspaces..

crash happened around 9:27am cst
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [6,175,270 bytes]
Apr 9, 2013  • #40
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks! These logs so far haven't shown anything helpful unfortunately :(

Can you enable the "Logging Trace Mode" in the DisplayFusion Advanced Settings, and then send another copy of the log when it crashes again?

Apr 11, 2013  • #41
madLyfe's profile on
Ok, thanks! These logs so far haven't shown anything helpful unfortunately :(

Can you enable the "Logging Trace Mode" in the DisplayFusion Advanced Settings, and then send another copy of the log when it crashes again?


do you want me to enable 'logging advanced mode' as well?
Apr 11, 2013  • #42
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Nope, just the Trace Logging please :)
Apr 12, 2013  • #43
madLyfe's profile on
had a random crash tonight.. not sure what caused it, i was away from the computer and i cant really give an exact time when it happened.. but somewhere between 8pm - 10pm ish time frame on the 15th..
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [4,863,649 bytes]
Apr 16, 2013  • #44
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks, unfortunately that log doesn't show anything helpful either :(

I think we'll need to try disabling DisplayFusion features one at a time to see if the crashing goes away. It's a bit of a pain, but hopefully we can narrow it down to a specific feature and go from there.

Could you start by disabling the TitleBar Buttons? How long is it between crashes usually?
Apr 16, 2013  • #45
madLyfe's profile on
Ok, thanks, unfortunately that log doesn't show anything helpful either :(

I think we'll need to try disabling DisplayFusion features one at a time to see if the crashing goes away. It's a bit of a pain, but hopefully we can narrow it down to a specific feature and go from there.

Could you start by disabling the TitleBar Buttons? How long is it between crashes usually?

i will start with disabling the titlebar buttons once i get another crash.. i usually get them randomly..
Apr 16, 2013  • #46
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds good, thanks!
Apr 16, 2013  • #47
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just wanted to follow-up and see if you were still having this issue? If you are, could you try updating to 5.1 Beta 13? We fixed a lot of the hook code, so hopefully your crashing will be all fixed up too :)
Jul 24, 2013  • #48
madLyfe's profile on
Just wanted to follow-up and see if you were still having this issue? If you are, could you try updating to 5.1 Beta 13? We fixed a lot of the hook code, so hopefully your crashing will be all fixed up too :)

i keep up with the most recent betas and havnt had an issue as of late
Jul 24, 2013  • #49
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it!
Jul 24, 2013  • #50
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