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27 discussion posts
Just installed the 5.1 update (great work) but there was one big issue.

I use a custom image for the Start Button thanks to ClassicShell. The image on the DF Taskbar is no longer scaled properly.

I've been messing around with what I can but so far found no fixes.
Is the only the option I have to manually resize the image myself and reset it in ClassicShell?

EDIT: Actually, the DF Taskbar isn't accepting any changes I make to the Start Button icon from ClassicShell, no matter what I do.

I resolved the issue with the new Start Button image, the one already set to real size without rescaling in ClassicShell.
From the DF Advanced Settings, I set Taskbar Button Scale to "1", restarted DF, and it worked.
Sep 3, 2013 (modified Sep 3, 2013)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear you were able to get it sorted out! I'll just clarify a couple of points here in case anyone else runs into the same issue.

We changed the way that DisplayFusion loads the ClassicShell Start button icon. We used to scale it to fit inside our taskbar, but found that some Start button icons were deliberately taller than the taskbar. Now, we just load the full size image, and if you need to make it smaller, you can set the size in the DisplayFusion Advanced Settings (as you did). A value of 1 is the full size image (i.e. 100%). So, if you wanted it to be half the size, you would set the value to 0.5.

After changing the ClassicShell Start button icon, or the Start button scale in the DisplayFusion Settings, you'll need to reload it by right-clicking the taskbar and navigating to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Start Button > Left (or whatever side it's currently on). Choosing the position again will force it to reload.

Hope that makes sense! Please let me know if you have any other questions at all.

Sep 3, 2013  • #2
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27 discussion posts
Just on a personal note, the icon I use for the Taskbar actually is a few hairs taller than the Taskbar itself, and I like it that way. :P
I feel it gives it a nice touch. ;)

In any case, here was the main issue I found when dealing specifically with the interworking with ClassicShell.

When using an image that requires re-scalling
- ClassicShell will ask you for the final pixel height you want the image to be scaled to
- DisplayFusion will ask you for a percentage of the original image

I found that the easiest route was to simple create a new image, already scaled to its final size, and have both programs not have to do any re-sizing.
Sep 5, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, thanks for posting your workaround!
Sep 6, 2013  • #4
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