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68 discussion posts
Hey there,

First of, I love the new trigger functionality in DisplayFusion, it's an awesome idea! :)
There is a problem I've noticed with it though... I've set up a trigger that loads a specific desktop profile on start of DisplayFusion (Windows loves to change my desktop icons...), which works pretty good.

The only issue with it, is that it still requires a confirmation from me... As in, the "Are you sure" box still opens, and waits for me to click yes/no before it will actually execute. Which as you might be able to understand, is kinda annoying.
So would it be possible to perhaps have a "silent" option for the DF triggers?
Nov 7, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear you like the new Triggers feature!

In the Advanced Settings, there's a "Don't show confirmations when loading" in the Desktop Icons section that should do the trick :)
Nov 10, 2015 (modified Nov 10, 2015)  • #2
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