Nobody seemed to reply to the other thread I made, that's all right though. For future reference, everything in this post, and most likely my other posts, unless stated otherwise, are about Windows 7.
Now, I wouldn't know if this is a problem, but I'm an anxious guy when it comes to having up-to-date stuff, so I check for updates often. Upon clicking "Check for Updates", the tray tooltip bubble shows after some time, but it seems random.
Onto the suggestions!:
I was told that grouping will soon be implemented. Wonderful, but it'd be best if it worked with windows while doing so. So hopefully I'm not reinventing the wheel here, by nudging you guys in the right direction. The following is to make DF in-tune with explorer by copying the appearance properties that show labels, combine, etc.
The registry info is found at
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1535552917-1703280819-2154316518-1000\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced (although I'm not quite sure if the node would be named the same thing), the key is
TaskbarGlomLevel, and here are the values and what they do.
- 0 - Always combine taskbar buttons, and hide labels. (Windows Default, compact buttons.)
- 1 - Only combine taskbar buttons when taskbar is full. Unless the screen is full of many instances of the same program, it doesn't group them per se, here's a screenshot of the main taskbar doing so: (grr, tinypic resized it, but it still shows.) But other than that kind, it will regularly group them with the stacked button look.
- 2 - Never combine. (also shows labels, and does the weird grouping like shown above, so this one is just about already done on DF, hehe.)
Some careful manipulation of that would be an awesome addition, although you'll need to find a way to make explorer accept it, hopefully without restarting it. There's probably some sort of shell command to refresh it. I never worked with explorer besides trays, so I'm just guessin'.
A "Show Desktop" button in the bottom right corner of the rightmost screen could be useful...

Or perhaps on each screen, whatever.

In some future addition, if this is put into place, Aero Peek can also be integrated, using the
DisablePreviewDesktop key in the same registry folder as before. 0 = On, 1 = Off.
This one is REALLY not necessary: The smooth mouse-over switching between task bar button previews...
Ahh, just came onto another idea. If you mouseover buttons in the DF taskbar while desktop composition is disabled, they still show graphical previews.
Small note in case nobody knew: MSN counts as two taskbar buttons unless you go into the default installation folder,
C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger ...and right click msnmsgr (or msnmsgr.exe if you have it showing extensions), and go to Properties Compatibility set to Windows Vista
EDIT 1: When the taskbar is on the left or right side of the screen, the captions should turn off.
EDIT 2: Another suggestion! Dragging and dropping desktop items/folder items into taskbar, pinning it.
EDIT 3: Haha, sorry for making you guys work/read so much, but i found somewhat of a bug.

I won't say it, pretty self explanatory.
See a difference? (besides the start button)

Windows 7, Classic theme. IDK why anyone would do something stupid like that, but I'm just bored and experimenting.
EDIT 3.14159265...: So I have the Windows taskbar on the bottom of my primary screen and the DF taskbar on the right of my secondary screen. When I moved the Windows taskbar to the bottom, the DF taskbar resized its own width to the height of the Windows Taskbar. I know it's supposed to do tha, but it severely cuts off captions, (which shouldn't be there regardless, see EDIT 1.) It would be easier if it used a concrete formula to figure out the size it should be if its on the left or right, judging by the Win taskbar size and position.
EDIT 4: Sheesh. o-o seems wrong. If I go to TitleBar Buttons and press Auto, it goes to Windows 7 (Basic) which is closer to working, although offset a bit.
EDIT 5: I'm totally gonna be banned for all the edits. But yeah, It'd be smart if, on a vertical taskbar, if you mouseover the first button, that the preview goes UNDER the tooltip, instead of the tooltip covering the preview itself.
EDIT 6: All right. Last one for the night haha. Idk if it's just me, but window snapping doesn't work at all. o-o
EDIT 7: Haha, a couple days later...ok so if you go to the top-middle of one of your screens desktops, and middle click, the icons all shift to the next screen. It's something to do with the titlebar middle click setting I would assume, damn releasecapture and sendmessage...
That's all for now.
Hope this helps get some ideas flowing.
- sLAUGHTER (or Steve)