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Hugo Patten
9 discussion posts
Hello DF Users:

I'm running Vista Ultimate with 2 monitors on ATI Radeon HD 3870
Screen 1 1920 x 1200 - Main monitor on RHS with plain background
Screen 2 1280 x 1024 - Extended desktop on LHS with different plain background

DF - Multimonitor taskbar set to show "relevant windows"

All works fine until screen saver kicks in after 30 minutes. Then, on reawakening, Screen 1 is now on LHS. Easy to fix with a few clicks and a drag, but irritating all the same. It didn't start doing this until I changed the background for Screen 2.

Has anyone else had this problem?
Aug 7, 2009  • #1
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343 discussion posts
I have this exact set up but with the smaller monitor on the right. I've never had this happen though. Does this happen when you turn DF off and the screensaver activates? (you can go 'test' a screensaver to test quickly)
Aug 7, 2009  • #2
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Hugo Patten
9 discussion posts
Does this happen when you turn DF off and the screensaver activates? (you can go 'test' a screensaver to test quickly)

No it doesn't. But I then did the same test again immediately with DF on and it did not happen either. However, when I came back into my office half-an-hour ago after going out for 2 hours, the switch had taken place as I describe it - in fact this time the background for Screen 2 was the wrong size after I switched positions back (black band at the top of the screen) and I had to fix it by redefining it, so to speak. As I write, everything is in order again ...
Aug 7, 2009  • #3
John L. Galt's profile on
Turn off DF and let the screen save kick in again on its own - and see if it happens then.

It could just as easily be an update in Windows that is causing this (and I have heard of this numerous times, when you make the right mon the default as opposed to the left - for some reason Windows goes stupid and resets it to the left....)
I am I.
Aug 9, 2009  • #4
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Hugo Patten
9 discussion posts
Turn off DF and let the screen save kick in again on its own - and see if it happens then.

It could just as easily be an update in Windows that is causing this (and I have heard of this numerous times, when you make the right mon the default as opposed to the left - for some reason Windows goes stupid and resets it to the left....)

Clever of you - you are quite right. It happened even though I had turned off DF completely. Yet... I never had trouble with this configuration before I installed DF. It's quite unlikely that there is no connection at all and it's just chance that a dicey Windows update should coincide with the start of the trouble. Food for thought, anyway.
Aug 9, 2009  • #5
John L. Galt's profile on
Actually, TBH, the fact it never happened before is probably pure luck.

Until I physically moved the monitor to the left side, it would reset in XP and Vista periodically - someties as often as within a day, sometimes without changing for a full week before abruptly reverting.

I never found the answer, but when I got my dual screens last year I reverted to a left as primary setup and have never had an issue since.
I am I.
Aug 12, 2009  • #6
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Hugo Patten
9 discussion posts
Just a situation report ...

I switched monitors so that main screen was on left - but the problem switched itself too so that did not work. I now find behaviour virtually random. When I switch on in the morning, sign-on screen may appear on either screen. If on left, OK, if on right, I must reconfigure - fortunately simple since Jon provides single click to "open display properties" - except that the icons are all over the place. I have switched off screen saver, doing my own thing by running a program which creates blank screens, so there's no problem during the day. As a former mainframe machine code programmer (back in the 60's) I find the unpredictable behaviour of Vista machines psychologically disturbing ....
Sep 6, 2009  • #7
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
My old XP fix doesn't work with vista, so no luck there. As for the weird behaviors, thats Vista for ya.

One thing I thought I would mention, you should be able to use the change wallpaper shortcut to fix the papers instead of the wallpaper window, if you have pro of course.
Sep 7, 2009  • #8
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion forum, this topic is being locked and archived because it applies to an older version of DisplayFusion. If you are using the latest version of DisplayFusion and would still like some assistance, please create a new topic and I'll be happy to help you out. Thanks! :)
Feb 4, 2010  • #9
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