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Ope Jacobs
2 discussion posts
Hi. I have what is likely a very niche question or perhaps problem. I have a uwqhd display (3440 x 1440) which i use to game. However, some games that I play are forced 16:9 and so I will either run them windowed at QHD (2560 x 1440) or using UWQHD windowed and the game handles this by putting black bars on either side of the main game visuals.

The "problem" is that, I will often try to record clips with shadowplay and when I am using UWQHD the black bars are included with the video, meaning i need to then go and crop them out with another piece of software.

Now the actual question. Do you think it's feasible to fake the behaviour of putting the black borders on the sides and sticking the actual game window in the middle? my hair brained idea is to use a trigger to launch a picture of a black background and put it behind the game window using a window profile.

Currently what i do is just use a trigger to move the window of any of these games to the left side of the monitor with an offset to put the title bar off screen. (also i use power toys always on top to put the game window in front of windows taskbar, can i do something like that with displayfusion?)

Would love any suggestions if anybody will indulge me
Jun 7, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You could create and load a wallpaper profile (guide on that here: with your trigger to just load a solid black colour background.

We also have a "Toggle Window Always on Top" function in the DisplayFusion Settings > Function tab that should work as well.

Hope that helps!
Jun 8, 2023  • #2
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Ope Jacobs
2 discussion posts

So I did reach a similar conclusion. I set up a few triggers after some tinkering to load a monitor profile with a black background and virtual desktops. I was able to remove the Displayfusion taskbar from these virtual desktops and it seems to remember this (If i wanted to bring them back how would I?)

I have had a few problems along the way though, some of which I have fixed. Though still the Toggle windows always on top function doesn't really seem to work or perhaps works intermittently, I am unsure. Though the keybind works (I tested the displayfusion keybind though i've reverted to using my Powertoys keybind)

Attached a few images of my settings and what the finished article looks like.

A question or two.

1. I was having a lot of issues getting especially Street Fighter 6 to be picked up and triggered properly. Is there a best practice for which option to use between process starting, window creation etc.
2. It is a necessary evil but it is slightly annoying having all my taskbars flicker close and reopen etc, something I can live with though. Is there anything I can do to help with that? (have displayfusion taskbar on my 2 extra monitors and windows taskbar on my main one)
3. I was planning to possibly see if there is a way to get around this by using the windows virtual desktop functionality, though there appears to be some limitations or funky behaviour?
4. referring to this. Is it possible to use a monitor configuration profile per virtual desktop?

Thanks for any insight you can provide
• Attachment [protected]: 2023-06-08_20-29-22.jpg [342,607 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings_2023-06-08_20-22-44.png [40,671 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings_2023-06-08_20-23-03.png [51,675 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings_2023-06-08_20-23-13.png [36,723 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings_2023-06-08_20-34-15.png [160,594 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings_2023-06-08_20-34-15.png [160,594 bytes]
Jun 8, 2023 (modified Jun 8, 2023)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
1. This really varies from game to game, and how each window/process is handled. Does that game have a launcher it opens first, or does it open directly to the game? Did you try it with just the "Window Text" match condition as well?

2. Could you send me over a video of that issue?

3 & 4: This isn't something we currently support, but we have it open on our feature request list so I've added your vote to it.
Jun 9, 2023  • #4
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