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120 discussion posts
If you start to drag a file from desktop over, for example, notepad button on Windows default task bar, after some time (I think, it's system wide constant, which you can read and write) it activates notepad main window.

Since DF task bars are usually repeat windows task bar behavior, what about implementing this feature for DF task bar's too?
Nov 3, 2010  • #1
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32 discussion posts
This feature is there! Try the taskbar settings, 4th checkbox (Focus window when mouse dragged over)
Nov 9, 2010  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
zAlbee is correct, you need to enable this behaviour in the DisplayFusion Settings window, on the Taskbar tab. Enable the "Focus window when mouse dragged over" feature. :)
Nov 9, 2010  • #3
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120 discussion posts
Please enable it in default settings and change mouse cursor when it is on any app on task bar.
Nov 20, 2010  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I haven't enabled it by default because of some other issues it can cause. The biggest problem, is DisplayFusion can't tell whether your dragging a file over the taskbar icon or scrolling a horizontal scrollbar in a window 1 pixel above the taskbar. This was causing many, many support emails so I decided to remove it as the default behaviour.
Nov 28, 2010  • #5
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