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36 discussion posts
Hi Jon, again congratz on the best multi-screen software out there.

I like to propose a new feature, when I set a folder to randomly (alfabetically) slide pics to my desktop I can only add other forlders or just static images. I see that I can also shoose some online services but I cant mix both, I will like to choose static pic or folder and also add some online services on the same profile like I will set a folder of my computer and also a flicker, deviant art, or just a Bing pic of the day so I can at the same pics pool the folder and the pics of the onlinea ccount or pic of the day.

Also i dont know if is already a feature or not but I can have a imageshack account or picassa, or even instagram account and set pics from it to slide on my DF.

Thanks so much for your work.
May 1, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the compliments! We do have an open feature request to be able to combine images from random local, as well as random online on the same monitor. I've added your vote to it, and I'll be sure to post an update if/when we're able to implement it.

May 2, 2012  • #2
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