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h k
7 discussion posts
When making a window transparent with DF is there a way to specify the transparency percentage?
DF makes the windows a bit *too* transparent for my taste so I'm wondering if there is a global setting to modify the %. Running latest version.
Nov 5, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
On the Settings > Functions tab, you can create a new custom Function to set the transparency to whatever percentage you like :)

Just click the "Create Function" button, then choose "Toggle Window Transparency" from the Function Action drop-down. Set the value and key combination, and you're good to go.

If you want to add it as a TitleBar Button, just select it in the list, and click the "Toggle TitleBar Button" button.

Nov 7, 2013  • #2
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Luis P.
6 discussion posts
These instructions need updating (considering it is 2023 and version 10.x).
I was looking for a way to change the transparency of the Monitor Configuration. Part of these instructions worked well enough, which is why I am sharing.

I needed a way to change the transparency so that I can clearly see how my changes would look prior to applying them. DisplayFusion comes with the "Toggle Window Transparency" included, but I cannot edit the values (set to 50%). Also, there appears to not be a specific name (that I could find) for appling the transparency to the thumbnail displays of the Monitor Configuration page (window?).

WORKAROUND: I added the "Toggle Window Transparency" as a TitleBar Button by select the line item, then clicking on the Add TitleBar Button. This is now an option I can select on ANY window (very handy).

It is not perfect, but works to some extent (depends on your background). It really needs a dedicated configuration (the Monitor Configuration page) for its transparency.

Before and After pictures below
Luis P.
• Attachment: After.jpg [7,842 bytes]
• Attachment: Before.jpg [10,413 bytes]
Nov 22, 2023  • #3
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