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273 discussion posts
Not much you can do about this, but Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Premiere both already populate the caption bar. Perhaps you might want to disable the feature by default for these products?

Note: The button shows up even when maximized on the primary monitor when standard windows don't.
• Attachment: CS4onVistaSP1.jpg [7,610 bytes]
Jul 10, 2009  • #1
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343 discussion posts
Best to add CS4 to the black list in DF's TitleBar buttons dialog... They work ok in CS3, so I wouldn't block them from Adobe products all-to-gether...
Jul 10, 2009  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I am not planning on adding any application's to the blacklist by default, I'll leave that up to the user. The buttons still work in Photoshop, they just partially cover that "Essentials" button. If someone gets bothered enough by that they can disable it themselves. :)
Jul 11, 2009  • #3
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343 discussion posts
I am not planning on adding any application's to the blacklist by default, I'll leave that up to the user. The buttons still work in Photoshop, they just partially cover that "Essentials" button. If someone gets bothered enough by that they can disable it themselves. :)

That's what I was thinking. There's so many applications out there that don't follow the standard Windows layout, you couldn't possibly catch them all. Hell, MS themselves don't follow their own style with half their apps... :?
Jul 11, 2009  • #4
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273 discussion posts
MS themselves don't follow their own style with half their apps... :?

Ah, now you understand the life of a Windows programmer. If the priest sins, how can you blame the parishioners from being confused?
Jul 12, 2009  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
It's true. With some apps I just throw my hands up and give up. I can't support every crazy app out there. :)
Jul 14, 2009  • #6
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