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42 discussion posts
When I click "show df taskbar on windows taskbar monitor" I was thinking it would replace the main windows taskbar, but instead it added a second taskbar on top of it, so now I have two taskbars on one monitor. Would like to just have one DF taskbar on each monitor. Attached image is of the bottom 1 inch of my primary screen right now.

Also, not sure if this matters but I'll mention it.. when I modify the registry key MinWidth found in

\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics

in order to produce taskbar tabs of a thinner width, it does work, but only on the DF taskbar, it does not effect the width of the taskbar tabs on the windows taskbar. That's really the only reason I was trying out the option to use the DF taskbar on both monitors in the first place, so if anyone has a way to fix either of these I'll be all set. thanks
• Attachment: Clipboard01.jpg [24,026 bytes]
Aug 9, 2023 (modified Aug 9, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi John,

That double taskbar is expected with that advanced setting. We don't currently support completely replacing the primary Windows taskbar, but we do have this open as a feature request so I've added your vote to it.

Aug 9, 2023  • #2
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