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I am looking for some advice to create a simple script that does the actions mentioned below (I am not yet at ease with scripting, hence my question).

The reason is that often when people enter my office to say hello, they look at my computer screens instead of looking at me (which I consider impolite behavior). So I want a quick way to either blank all my screens or even better display a large message.

So here's my idea: on hitting any keyboard combination (e.g. Win+Alt+Z):
- minimize all open Windows
- hide all icons
- show in large font a message (e.g. "It is not polite to look at someone's screen. Look me in the eyes").

If I hit again on the same keystroke - all should be reset (restore screens, display icons, and no display of the large "warning" message).

Any tips or suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.
Mar 29, 2016  • #1
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
I was able to put together a script that should work for you. It won't minimize any of your applications, but it will hide them behind a black screen that displays your message. When you run the script for a second time, the black screens with the message will close. To use this script, open the Functions tab on the Settings window, click the 'Add Scripted' button, and copy the text from the file I have attached to this post into the window.

I hope this works for you!
• Attachment: Hide Monitors and Show Message.txt [5,406 bytes]
Mar 31, 2016  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Hi Thomas,

Thank you SO much for providing me this script.

Absolutely fabulous. !!!

I am very happy with the solution - PERFECT.


Apr 1, 2016  • #3
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