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2 discussion posts
I recently upgraded to two 4k monitors and have a 1080p monitor as well. I had to upgrade my graphics card for them, so for a few days I was running them both at 2560x1440 along with the third at 1080p, and at the same time I decided to try displayfusion. Everything was working fine, until today when I got my new graphics card which is a GTX 960. It can run everything at native res but when it does, aero is disabled if displayfusion is running. After a lot of work tracking down the cause of the issue to displayfusion, I eventually figured out that aero will work if any two of the monitors are connected, but is disabled if all three are at native res. Running both at 3180x2160 without the 1080p works, or one at 3180x2160 and the 1080p monitor, or running the 4ks both at 1440p and the 1080p at the same time work. running one at 3180x2160, one at 1440p, and one at 1080p doesn't work. I would really like to be able to run all my monitors at native res and have displayfusion running. I appreciate any help. thanks.
Jul 6, 2015  • #1
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2 discussion posts
Hi everyone, I have determined that this is not, in fact, an issue with displayfusion but a limitation with windows 7.

However, I figured out a workaround. Thanks to the last post on this page:

Basically it's a limitation of DirectX 10, the version of directX that windows 7's aero engine DWM uses. Aero can only be enabled with a resolution width less than 8k total and height less than 8k total.

To work around it, I positioned my third monitor above my other two monitors to fit it in the 8k pixel box. It's not ideal with my monitors all physically positioned horizontally but it's better than nothing.

It would be really nice if displayfusion could move the positions of monitors without letting windows know, which would basically make everything work perfectly.
Jul 6, 2015 (modified Jul 6, 2015)  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear it's not caused by DisplayFusion, and that you were able to find a workaround :)

Unfortunately it wouldn't be possible for DisplayFusion to trick applications into thinking the monitor is in a different position than it actually is, sorry!
Jul 6, 2015  • #3
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Aiken Drum
14 discussion posts

A possible alternative workaround, if it suits you: Array your monitors in portrait mode. That would probably bring the horizontal resolution down under 8k. Some people prefer the resulting 27:16 ratio, too.
Jul 9, 2015  • #4
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