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205 discussion posts
I would love to pin apps to my second taskbar; so apps pinned to it could be set to open on the same screen. Also it might be a good idea; to prompt for re-enabling the windows 8/8.1 taskbar on secondary screens when the 'enable multi monitor taskbar' option is unchecked in display fusion
Jan 2, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You should be able to pin applications to the DF taskbar by moving the application to that monitor, then right-clicking its taskbar button and choosing "Pin this Program" :)

I've added your suggestion about prompting to re-enable the Windows 8 taskbar to our list as well!

Jan 2, 2015  • #2
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205 discussion posts
I used the DF taskbar on windows 7, though I wont be using it on windows 8, because of several major issues, i just dont have with the windows 8 one. It would be nice if you tried to implement features to it.
Jan 3, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
What issues were you running into with the DisplayFusion taskbar? It's not really possible for us to add the DisplayFusion features to the built-in taskbar, but hopefully I can help troubleshoot your issues with the DF taskbar.
Jan 5, 2015  • #4
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205 discussion posts
Color doesn't match (though its pretty close) /not a big deal
slight clipping on my start button icon (classic shell) which is bigger than the taskbar
different menu when you right click it / pretty important for me
issues where it would be above full screen apps /very important
start button behind start menu (classic shell) / would be nice to have fixed, but not a big deal
clicking the little button sometimes pops up on the wrong screen (sometimes briefly, sometimes until i click it again)
Right clicking on taskbar items brings up a different menu

the following features provided by 7+taskbar tweaker, which are basically deal breakers (because I use them quite often) (the ability to define what happens when I middle click and double click the taskbar, or programs on it, and the ability to control volume with the mouse wheel when my mouse is hovering over the system tray (or mute with middle click)

@ modifying the current taskbar, I was thinking you could create an overlay, in similar fashion to how rainmeter can place images/text above the taskbar. and make each item hide when its clicked, until the program is closed, or its window moved to another desktop.
Jan 5, 2015  • #5
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205 discussion posts
Also classic shell about 30% of the time, will trigger on the wrong screen (opening the start menu on another screen than the one with the display fusion icon) which is another deal breaker

the whole taskbar flutters when I hit the start button (minor issue)
and It would be nice if the bottom corner didn't cause the start screen to activate (classic shell disables this for windows taskbars)
Jan 5, 2015 (modified Jan 5, 2015)  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks Jcee! I've added these to our list (or added your info for the ones that already existed), and we'll definitely let you know when we're able to get those fixed up.

If we're able to add a different feature where we overlay our own elements on the Windows taskbar, I'll definitely let you know as well.

Jan 6, 2015  • #7
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