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Hello, I recently received a new laptop with windows 11 preinstalled and in the process of setting it up it looks like i cannot bind Alt+WinKey+Arrow keys to functions because they are reserved for the built in Win11 "Snap windows" controls.

However i don't see a reason to not allow those hotkeys when i turn off the snap windows(not sure if you can check that) and want to use Display Function to take care of that. Even if you cannot detect that "snap windows" is off i think a better user experience would be to show a warning that it could/would cause errors than to disable this combination, as right now this does nothing and i cannot use it

The error i receive is attached as screenshot.
• Attachment: Screenshot 2021-12-02 103853.png [527,505 bytes]
Screenshot 2021-12-02 103853.png
Screenshot 2021-12-02 103853.png
Jul 13, 2022 (modified Jul 13, 2022)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately when Windows reserves a key combination, we aren't able to use it at all, even if the feature it's reserved for is disabled.

Jul 13, 2022  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Goddammit, Microsoft keep getting worse and worse... thanks anyway
Jul 13, 2022  • #3
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