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Hoder Jensen
5 discussion posts
I love the new alt-tab feature in v6.0 and the ability to hide the desktop Window, but there is some issues with, specially with metro apps.

I'm using the Mail app and it shows up three times in the alt-tab menu, see this screenshot:

If I enter one of the "ghost Mail apps", I get this:

It's not a problem, when using the built-in ALT-TAB feature in Windows 8.1


Another problem, is that it remembers to much. Eg. I open the PC settings app and closes it again, so it's gone from the taskbar, but it's still present in the ALT-TAB menu. This is neither a problem in the built-in ALT-TAB feature in Windows 8.1.


Thanks for a great program, if you need any debug info, logs or similar, I will off course assist with it.

Screenshots also attached.
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot 2014-06-22 22.37.43.png [86,273 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot 2014-06-22 22.38.35.png [12,320 bytes]
Jun 22, 2014  • #1
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Hoder Jensen
5 discussion posts
Should I open a support ticket instead of using the forum for these bugs?
Jun 24, 2014  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear you like DisplayFusion! I've added the Metro Mail app issue to our list, and the other issue is currently open on our list as well. For some reason, Metro apps stay running (you can see them in Task Manager) even when they're "closed." We haven't been able to figure out how to detect that they're not technically running, but we'll definitely let you know if we're able to get that fixed up :)

Jun 24, 2014  • #3
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Hoder Jensen
5 discussion posts
Thanks for the reply, sounds great you are looking into the issues, thanks :)

When you kill an app, it changes status from running to temporary stopped in the process list, maybe that can lead you to a solution, but you properly already knew that :)
Jun 24, 2014  • #4
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Hoder Jensen
5 discussion posts
Any progress on this?

My hope was, that it was fixed in 6.1, but it's sadly not :(
Sep 3, 2014  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Not yet, unfortunately :(

We thought we had found a solution, but it ended up breaking other stuff. It turns out that the Metro apps show as "Suspended" even if they're just minimized, so we can't just exclude them from Alt+Tab when their Status is Suspended. We're back to square one with trying to figure out how to detect when a Metro app is "Closed" and not just minimized.
Sep 4, 2014  • #6
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Hoder Jensen
5 discussion posts
Yeah I noticed the same, when I looked further into it a few days ago. It's the same if pulling info from tasklist. I've also looked into get-process from powershell, but that doesn't even show app info :(

I hope you one day figure out, how Microsoft them self does it.
Sep 4, 2014  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah, they're probably using some internal undocumented API :(
Sep 4, 2014  • #8
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