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46 discussion posts
Running DF 9.2.4 on Win 7

When I press and release ALT+TAB, as you would normally do in Win 7 to switch to the previously active window, all windows are minimized. On my multi-monitor setup with at least 20 open windows, this is driving me nuts.

If I press ALT+TAB and continue to hold ALT, then I can TAB through all the windows as per normal in Win 7.

How can I restore "normal" behavior for press and release of ALT+TAB, i.e., switch to previously active window? I assume this is related to DF as I've only experienced this behavior with DF installed.
Jun 21, 2018  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
When you press Alt+Tab, before you let go of Alt, can you see if it has the 2nd window selected, or the last window, which would be the "Desktop?"
Jun 22, 2018  • #2
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46 discussion posts
When you press Alt+Tab, before you let go of Alt, can you see if it has the 2nd window selected, or the last window, which would be the "Desktop?"
The second window is selected.
Jun 22, 2018  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
And then letting it go it minimizes everything again?
Jun 22, 2018  • #4
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46 discussion posts
And then letting it go it minimizes everything again?
Sometimes. That's the tricky part of reproducing this. The day I posted, press and release of ALT+TAB was reliably minimizing all windows.

Today, press and release of ALT+TAB is switching to the second most recently active window (expected behavior).
Jun 22, 2018  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange! How often does it seem to happen?
Jun 26, 2018  • #6
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46 discussion posts
Strange! How often does it seem to happen?

I'll have to track it and get back to you. It's intermittent enough that I get back in the habit of using Alt+Tab to switch windows, and then it strikes, which usually leaves me restoring lots of windows for a couple of days until I once again get out of the habit of using Alt+Tab. It's a frustrating cycle.
Jun 27, 2018 (modified Jun 27, 2018)  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds good, if you notice anything specifically that seems to trigger it, please let me know. (e.g. right after the computer wakes from sleep, or something like that maybe?)
Jun 30, 2018  • #8
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Steven Vo82820
2 discussion posts
Just want to chime in after finding this thread on google. This alt-tabbing behaviour happens to me sometimes too. It's relatively rare as to when it occurs, but it seems to happen only when I very quickly alt tab to switch to the previously focused window. I can't seem to reproduce it, but it feels like this occurs every couple hours. Might only occur when I'm using a video player too, potplayer in this case. I've also got some settings in potplayer to auto-disable and enable windows HDR, so it might have something to do with that.
Jul 17, 2023  • #9
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Can you update to our latest beta and let me know if the issue persists? Here's the link:
Jul 17, 2023  • #10
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Steven Vo82820
2 discussion posts
Chiming in to let you know that I installed the beta as instructed in July and the problem hasn't occured since. I'm now on DisplayFusion Pro 10.1.1 on steam and it's all good there too. Thank you!
Sep 29, 2023  • #11
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear, thanks for the follow up!
Sep 29, 2023  • #12
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SBB Dock
1 discussion post
I have the same issue with DisplayFusion Pro 10.1.2. Sometimes, when I alt+tab several times in quick succession, it minimizes all windows. It's very annoying when it happens as I work on an ultrawide monitor separated into 3 screens with a lot of windows open at all time.. It also happens when I disconnect the laptop from the dock and work on one screen. :-[
Oct 20, 2023 (modified Oct 20, 2023)  • #13
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
What AltTab mode are you using?
Oct 20, 2023  • #14
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