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227 discussion posts
Hi DF,
I really like the Alternate Start Menu and I know it is a first effort.
1) On my system W8, the "Shut Down" section doesn't contain "Log Off"\"Sign Off" - which seems strange? I did try to add this in the "Customize Start Menu area, but it didn't seem to work.
2) Any chance you can get it to work on the Windows Taskbar in W8 and\or replace default one in previous versions?
3) A question about the design\layout\structure - could you have coded the design dependent on the OS. Obviously there isn't a menu in W8 so maybe W7\8 would be same layout but different coloring. Anyway I am interested in your rational here, if you have time to comment? Maybe getting the communities ideas would let you end up with better design going forward?

Anyway - great start!
Apr 28, 2012  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Pete, we didn't actually create the alternate Start Menu, we are simply bundling a modified version of this product:

We want to try and avoid modifying their code too much because we want to be able to take advantage of features that they release as well. As a result, we won't be able to change the alternate Start Menu too much. However, you can always make these requests on their support page to see if they are interested in implementing them. I hope this all makes sense, but please let me know if you have any more questions about it. Thanks! :)
Apr 30, 2012  • #2
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227 discussion posts
My only concern here is that you are reliant on a 3rd party product and it may reflect badly or DF - bits not working or performance issues. I would certainly make this a feature that can be changed by running your installer with a modify component to completely add or remove it.
Apr 30, 2012  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
That is a very valid point, and one that we gave a lot of thought to. We don't like being reliant on too many 3rd party dependencies, but in this case it would take quite a considerable amount of time to write something nearly as good as ClassicShell. Leaving the "use alternate start menu" option unchecked ensures that the ClassicShell code is never loaded and never run, if you are concerned about DisplayFusion's integrity. The ClassicShell code is completely self-contained in a separate executable and DLL.
Apr 30, 2012 (modified Apr 30, 2012)  • #4
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227 discussion posts
What I think you need to consider is that regardless, of OS is that you enable access to all add-in's features. For example - make it run on the default Windows taskbar. With your implementation I couldn't do this. If I install their full download separately then I can get this work. Anyway think about improving interoperability.
Apr 30, 2012  • #5
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227 discussion posts
One final point here - it would be nice if when a user enabled the alternate start menu that the "Start Menu Button" choice within app also appeared on the DF taskbar as it would on the Windows Taskbar.
May 1, 2012  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
We plan on fully integrating this solution, and we hope to add other alternate Start Menu choices in the future as well. This is just the beginning of this feature's development, and your feedback is greatly appreciated! :)
May 2, 2012  • #7
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