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Jesus Pedrosa1
136 discussion posts
Alt+Tab does not change between apps/windows like Windows did.
A quick Alt+Tab should change to the *previous* app/window, so it is useful to swap between 2 apps you are currently using. Like, let's say, switching between Phothoshop and an image viewer *and back*, or doing drag&drop between Explorer/Total Commander and a Browser to upload files *and back*.

I don't find the current behavior of always going to the next window useful.

This should at least be an option...
Jul 7, 2023 (modified Jul 7, 2023)  • #1
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Thomas Ekenryd
2 discussion posts
Just updated DF and came here looking for this. Something happened to alt-tab, instead of flipping between two apps which is what I use alt-tab for 99% of the time, it now cycles through all the apps/windows, meaning I have to activily focus on what the alt-tab is showing instead of just "reflex-using" it.

Bug, or a new "feature"? Possible to make this optional?
Jul 8, 2023 (modified Jul 8, 2023)  • #2
KairuByte's profile on
I just reverted to B4 here, checked for updates, and told it to ignore B5. This was such a large inconvenience that it was worth reverting.
Jul 9, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We have this on our list to fix up, we'll post here if we have anything further.

Jul 10, 2023  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta that should have this fixed up.

Jul 11, 2023  • #5
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Thomas Ekenryd
2 discussion posts
edit: nevermind, thanks for being quick with the fix, pro service!
Jul 11, 2023 (modified Jul 11, 2023)  • #6
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Jesus Pedrosa1
136 discussion posts
I'm sick of the Alt+Tab feature working so bad. It is not fluid like Windows or alternatives like VistaSwitcher. You drag a file and press Alt+Tab and instead of switching to the app when you release the keys... the Alt+Tab window displaying the apps keeps fixed on top until you click something with the mouse... 🤦

That totally *breaks* the file drag + Alt+Tab functionality, which has been a staple of Windows for ages...

Back to VistaSwitcher again... it is a bit ugly but *it works*. It is amazing how a 2012 tiny freeware app can work so much better than 2023 paid software...
Jul 22, 2023 (modified Jul 22, 2023)  • #7
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