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2 discussion posts
DisplayFusion 7.3 (beta 2)
Windows 10

Minor bug: It seems that an Universal Application that has just been closed (aka is currently closing in the background) shows up as two windows in the Alt+Tab handler.
To reproduce just open an Universal Application, close it and directly after Alt+Tab.

Another minor bug that I am unsure if it has been fixed or not in the latest beta is that I previously noticed that Universal Applications running in the background (aka not being visible in the task bar) showed up in your Alt+Tab handler but not in Windows' one.

Now, for a feature request. I love your alt+tab handler, and it's one of the primary reasons I use DisplayFusion (that + wallpaper management + edge snapping, everything else gets disabled). However in Windows 10 I've actually started to use Windows default alt+tab handler because it's easier and better to use on my 27'' 2560x1440 monitor, and it doesn't have the above mentioned minor bugs.

That said, Microsoft's new built-in handler still doesn't replace the "classic" Windows alt+tab handler, while yours do. The feature request I would like to see implemented is a way to tell DisplayFusion to only replace the classic Windows alt+tab handler, and not the regular one.

The classic Windows alt+tab handler is primarily used when alt+tabbing in games that run in a borderless fullscreen window (such as LoL). I'd like to use your alt+tab handler in that scenario, but Microsoft's default whenever I'm not in a game.
Aug 13, 2015 (modified Aug 13, 2015)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I was able to reproduce the first issue, but this is sort of the expected behaviour. DF has to poll to see if an application has been closed, so if you hit Alt+Tab immediately after closing a window, it will still show up, but the next time it should be gone. Not sure why the Universal apps are showing up twice when they're closing, but it should only be for 1 second anyways :)

The second issue should be all fixed up with 7.3 Beta 2, but if you still run into it, please let me know.

I've added your request for the classic Alt+Tab replacement only to our feature request list.

Aug 15, 2015  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Thanks for your response and for creating what I see as the most essential tool for my desktop! :)
Aug 15, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem, glad to hear it!
Aug 20, 2015  • #4
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