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5 discussion posts
I'm enjoying the ability to change the wondows logon background, but I have a query about the error message

"An error has occurred while setting your Windows Logon Background.
Image too large, please use a lower quality image."

I undertsand why this is happening, my wallpaper exceeds the max size windows allows, but have a couple of queries:-

1) Firstly could DF resize on the fly (or lower jpg quality) to reduce filesize , other software I've used for changing the logon screen (John's background switcher and logon screen rotator) seem to manage it?
2) If not is there a way to disable the warning and just leave the logon screen as it is?

Apart from that love the software :-D

(aplogies if this is a dup, I did search first)


Jun 11, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Quick follow-up question, I'm assuming you're using the option to change the logon background with the current desktop wallpaper? Just want to make sure my assumption is correct before I add the issue to our list :)

Jun 13, 2011  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Quick update on this, DisplayFusion does automatically reduce the quality of the image selected for the Windows Logon Background, but in some cases the quality can't be automatically reduced enough to make the image work. Could you email the image you're trying to use, as well as the info from the Troubleshooting tab to me at

Jun 13, 2011  • #3
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5 discussion posts
In reply to the first question, yes, I'm using the option to change the logon background with the current desktop wallpaper

re the 2nd, I'll have to scan through the background folder to find the troublesome image which may take some time, and will email as requested

Thanks again for your prompt attention

Jun 13, 2011  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem, sounds good!
Jun 13, 2011  • #5
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Typical, when you're looking for it, it never happens.

However I'm starting to have a theory - does DF recurse subfolders when changing the wallpaper (and therefore the logon image)?

I had a subfolder in my backgrounds with some stonkingly huge Hubble images (500+Mb each) that were waiting cropping down to 5760x1080, and I'm wondering if these were the culprits, if so it's a bit optimistic to expect anything to squeeze these down to windows logon size.

I'll keep looking for the error message and associated image in case it's not these.

Thanks again for such a prompt service

Jun 13, 2011  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
If you are using the random wallpaper changer and setting your Windows Logon image to the same as your wallpaper image, then yes, it does look through all sub-folders. If you do find an image that isn't working correctly, we would love to get a copy of it to figure out why it is failing. Like Keith mentioned, we are already scaling the image quality automatically, but for some reason this doesn't appear to be working for you. Anything you can provide to help troubleshoot this is much appreciated. Thanks! :)
Jun 14, 2011  • #7
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Kevin F.
450 discussion posts
I wouldnt think one should aim for DF to scale down a 1mx1m pic JT, just sayin :)

500 meg for a pic is.... yea.
Jun 15, 2011  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I did some testing with 3.4.0 Beta 2 (we fixed some Windows Logon Background issues) and some big 600MB images and all is well. If you can update and let me know if you still run into any issues, that would be fantastic.

Jun 15, 2011  • #9
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I've tested by 3.4.0 beta 2 and the issue seems to have gone, thank you.

Before then I'd narrowed it down as only happening when I had switched to eyefinity mode, usually just before a spell of gaming.... It would then sometimes happen on future random changes of wallpaper.

However I have noticed another minor issue (don't know if it was there before); when in eyefinity mode (5760 x 1080), the windows logon screen isn't cropped and ends up with the hoizontal scale compressed. Fine with the normal triple 1980x1080 setup.

Kevin F. - I agree with you, way too big. I simply had a subfolder that I didn't realise DF was recursing. I had versions of the hubble images that I had already resized in the top level folder, didn't spot DF was trawling the original full size ones in the subfolder as well as they looked identical on screen.... :-)


Jun 20, 2011  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Good to know, and thanks for the tip about the Windows Logon Background with Eyefinity, we'll test it out early next week.

Jun 20, 2011  • #11
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5 discussion posts
Thanks for all your help, slightly off-topic but I have converted my trial into a fully paid up version, a lot was to do with the excellent support you provide. (as well as DF being very useful, of course)

Jun 20, 2011  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, glad to hear it! Thank you very much for your purchase. Feel free to let us know if there's anything else we can help with in the future :)
Jun 21, 2011  • #13
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