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Jonathan Finerfrock97891
2 discussion posts
I have read WAY too many post both general web site and yours and I still cannot do what I need to do. So lets say I have a home office(I do) and a go to work office (Again, I do). Both are set up very similarly 2 27 inch monitors top left and top right. then I have my laptop monitor bottom middle. At work the upper Left monitor is #3 and the Upper Right is #2 my lap top lower middle is #1. I have my upper monitors set up so that the task bars are along the middle Edges (Left monitor task bar on the right edge while the Right monitor task bar is along the left edge) SO FAR SO GOOD. Now, as I do most days, I go home and work on my home setup but... my upper Left Monitor is now identified as #2 and my upper right monitor is #3. so as you can imagine my task bars are on the outside edges of the monitor instead of the inside edges. Without having to physically switch the monitors can I get DF to understand that I have two different enviornments. can this be solved? Is this a case for Hercule Poirot or can a mere mortal get resolution?
Sep 14, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Jonathan,

The taskbars are assigned via the monitor ID, so there isn't a way to prevent this unfortunately. We do have a feature request open to change it to the Hardware ID, so your monitor ID's could swap but the taskbars would stay with the monitor itself. I've added your vote to it, we'll let you know if it's something we add in the future.

Sep 15, 2023  • #2
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