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2 discussion posts
I've set a trigger to move every created window on my second virtual monitor (the phisical monitor is split in two virtual ones, one the left side and one on the right side). The trigger uses the "window created" as event and class equal to "CabinetWClass" as condition.
Unfortunately, using MS Office apps I've realized that the trigger is not called when I open an additional window (for example, when opening a new document while already having a document opened in a previous window). So, while the first window is moved on the second virtual monitor, the successive ones remain on the first one.
How can I make the DF trigger identify any window opened after the first one from the same app?
Jan 29, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Arin,

For Word, we have a script in our repository that you can download (DisplayFusion Settings > Functions > Scripted Functions > Download Scripted Function) called "Move New Outlook Message Windows or Word Windows to Monitor 2". You can adjust the monitor you want the windows moved to on line 10, and have that run in the background to move the windows.

I believe the other office windows should work with triggers though. Could you send me over a screenshot of the trigger you have created?

Feb 1, 2022  • #2
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