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Bob Lindsay
30 discussion posts
I know this used to happen with many apps, but more lately it seems like it had been working properly. But now for at least one app in particular - Windows Feedback Hub - the problem is back. I've only experimented with a few others and they seem to behave properly. I'll keep experimenting to see if I can find others, but so far Feedback Hub is the only one.

Running latest Windows 11 Dev build 23506 and latest DF 10.1 beta 6.

Edit: per the third button in the "Windows 10/11 Known Issues" post, I'm assuming this is because Feedback Hub is a "Universal app."
Jul 19, 2023 (modified Jul 19, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah there isn't much we can do there, sorry!
Jul 20, 2023  • #2
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