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Ignore this old post. Scroll down (to "Reply #6") for the REVISED post.

The following is with Windows Vista SP1, DisplayFusion 3.0.2, and "Taskbars using Windows Visual Styles".

(Note to Jon Tackabury: If you think any of the Feature Requests are too advanced for most users, then make in an option in a new entry called "Advanced Settings". If you read this, please try to reply if you can, and say which of the bug fixes and features you are working on as well as what's not on your to do list right now.)

Bug Fixes:

1) When you right-click a window in the DisplayFusion taskbar (which is on the 2nd monitor), it maximizes (=pulls up) the window and only then opens the "right-click shortcut menu" (normally, right-clicking does not pull up the window).

2) There is "lag". In other words, a window that is opened or closed... will appear or disappear from the windows taskbar instantly, whereas it takes the DisplayFusion taskbar a second or two to reflect this.

3) If the "Taskbar Opacity" option that is new to Version 3.0.2 is lower than 100%, it only returns to 100% when the mouse moves over an area on the taskbar that is not occupied by a window (that is, blank space).

4) If the "Taskbar Opacity" option that is new to Version 3.0.2 is lower than 100% AND the display fusion taskbar height is 2 rows [in other words, bigger than standard], the taskbar only returns to standard opacity (100%) when the mouse moves over the "first row" of the taskbar (bottom most). When it moves over the additional row, nothing happens.

5) If a user clicks--in the DisplayFusion taskbar--on a maximized window, then the window minimizes and is no longer "pressed in" to the DisplayFusion taskbar. BUT, it remains "pressed in" on the Windows taskbar until the user click somewhere (on something).

Feature Requests:

6) Instead of making a user dig into the registry to change the DisplayFusion taskbar height, make this an option in the DisplayFusion Settings.

7) Make a new option in the DisplayFusion Settings where if a user has selected the option "All taskbars show all windows" then they will have a second option in which: If the window is clicked on in the DisplayFusion taskbar, it will maximize on to the 2nd monitor even if it was previously on the first assuming the window was not visibly open on the first monitor, rather it was minimized). Similarly, if a window was previously on the DisplayFusion monitor (the one with the DisplayFusion taskbar) and a user clicks on the window in the windows tasktray, it should maximize to (=show on) the 1st monitor. Also, if a window is visibly open on monitor #1 and a user clicks the "window that is in the tasktray for it" to minimize it, then it should "minimize TO window #2 (See Feature Request #8).

8) When a window is minimized or maximized, have the window "minimize TO the DisplayFusion taskbar" if that window is on the 2nd monitor. It is quite strange to minimize a window that exists on the 2nd monitor and see it minimize "to the other screens taskbar".

9) Make it an option that when a user has "Taskbar Opacity" set to a number lower than 100% (=when the taskbar is translucent), if a window is maximized (not just open but maximized) then the tasbar will return to 100% opacity.

10) Have the DisplayFusion taskbar show "Window previews" (A thumbnail-sized preview when you point to a taskbar button).

11) Add a choice to the right-click menu of the windows on all the taskbars to move the window to the other monitor.

12) Add an option that when one middleclicks on a window in all taskbars, that window switches to the other monitor (the same way it does when you middleclick on a window's title bar).

13) Make an option that would allow a user to middleclick on the minimize & restore/maximize button, and have it switch to the other monitor (Currently, middleclicking on the minimize & restore/maximize buttons do nothing). With such a feature, then in applications such as Google Chrome when a user has their title bar filled with tabs and there is little room to middleclick on empty space (that is not occupied with tabs), they will be able to middleclick on the minimize & restore/maximize button, and have it switch to the other monitor.

14) Have an option for the DisplayFusion taskbar to display (=mirror) the time (If the taskbar is double the normal size, it should also show the Day and 0/00/2009) just like the regular windows taskbar does.

15) Allow the DisplayFusion task tray to "fade out" when in Flip 3D, just like the windows taskbar does, instead of "disappearing" as it does now.

16) When using the "Auto-hide the DisplayFusion taskbars" option, instead of the taskbar just appearing or disappearing, make the taskbar "slide up" and "slide down" in the same way that the Windows taskbar does.

17) Add a progress bar to the screen that comes up when clicking "Check for Updates Now" and there are updates downloading. Some users are still on dial-up and the download is not instantaneous!
Mar 24, 2009  • #1
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Mar 24, 2009  • #2
John L. Galt's profile on
1) When you say pull up, do you mean bring the window to the front, or do you mean it actually *maximizes* (full screen)? If you mean brings to front, then I can confirm this behavior - if you mean Maximizes, then I do not see this behavior - only a bring to front effect.

2) That sounds like a polling issue - as the secondary taskbar is not a feature that is integrated directly into Windows, but is an external application that is running and is emulating the Windows taskbar, I am guessing that how it displays icon on the bar is by polling for applications that are located either on the main task bar, or else located in the secondary monitor window, depending upon the setting in the options panel on whether DF displays all windows or only windows on its monitor. If I am right, then this is normal, so as to keep the CPU and RAM usage down - the more often it polls the system for a list of running apps, the more resources it is going to use.

Thus, I suppose it would be good if users had the ability to adjust the polling interval manually....

3) Confirmed.

4) Also confirmed.

5) Confirmed - but I know that the taskbar methods are new (as in a re-write) from the older ones from DF 2.2, so Jon is still working on getting them working correctly....


6) +1

7) Hmmm - Not sure I want this - I manually control which goes where, and I don't want an inadvertent click moving windows without my knowledge - would you compromise to make these *optional* settings?

8) This is partly because of my response to 5)

9) I don't want this - I want translucent / transparent taskbars 24/7. Agree to make it an *optional* setting?

10) That is most likely a future implementation, again because of 5)

11) +1

12) +5 :P

13) I can see the benefit for Chrome users - most other apps maintain a separate title bar from the actual application space, so this is probably a little need feature, especially in light of your requests 11) and 12)....Agree to make it optional?

14) Again, future implementation due to 5)

15) Again, future implementation (probably) due to 5)

16) Again, future implementation due to 5)

17) +1
I am I.
Mar 25, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Let me see if I can cover all of these: :)

Bug Fixes:

1. I found that in order for DisplayFusion to "fake" the context menu for the window, that window had to be visible. That's why I have to restore the window first. It's not perfect, but it's better than no context window. :)

2. The lag issue should be fixed in version 3.0.2. There will always be a little bit of lag (maybe 500ms) because even after DisplayFusion is notified of a change it has to poll the Windows taskbar to see what's changed. It will always be a little bit behind.

3. If the window in question is in-front of the taskbar, then this is by design. If not, please let me know.

4. I will investigate this further.

5. I couldn't find a reliable way to determine whether an unfocused window should remain "pressed in" on the DisplayFusion taskbar, so I played it safe. It seems more correct to me anyway, why would you want an unfocused window to look "pressed in"?

Feature Requests:

6. I did this to keep the interface clutter to a minimum. It is an in-frequently requested feature, and I am planning on adding more options. I may reconsider this in the future.

7. This might be nice, but I don't have a way to reliably intercept those window calls. I wouldn't know if the window was being restored because of a click on the taskbar or because of an alt+tab... etc.

8. Are you referring to the window animation? If so, I have tried to eliminate this but have been unsuccessful so far.

9. This sounds a bit like the way Windows Vista works. I will consider this.

10. This is coming in version 3.1.

11. This is on my "wish list" of things to do, but I haven't had time to tackle it yet.

12. This is an interesting idea, I'll see if that would be possible with the Windows taskbar (it would be easy with the DisplayFusion taskbar).

13. The reason for this is because of something called a "hit test" that I preform on the window. To play it safe I only act when a middle-click happens in something called the non-client area. There are so many crazy, non-standard windows that I decided to not allow any other places.

14. A clock is on my to-do list.

15. That's a good idea, I'll add it to my to-do list.

16. The Windows taskbar only does this when window animation's are enabled. It is something I would like to add in the future, but again I'm always limited by time. Functionality comes first, most of the time. :)

17. Unfortunately the update checker doesn't provide incremental feedback. It would be nice though. :(

I am going to mark this thread as complete, but please feel free to post any follow-up comments.
Mar 25, 2009  • #4
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343 discussion posts
I would add one: The option to freeze an image on one monitor or the other when using random image changes. Let's say you're running random images and you see one you really like, so you could select "Freeze this image". The other would continue to randomly change. I accomplish this now by down loading a specific image and selecting that one for a monitor, but frequently, you see a sweet one from flickr or vlad that you'd like to "freeze", while the other continues to change.

Got enough to do Jon? :-o

By the way, I find DF to have become rock solid these days. Great work!
Mar 26, 2009  • #5
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4 discussion posts
Responses to John L. Galt:

1) I mean that it brings the window to the front in whatever screen size it had before. So if the window was previously maximized, it brings it to the screen maximized. And vice versa. [Now the Bug Fix is revised with better/clearer wording and is moved to the end of the bug fix list (#5)]

2) From Jon's response, it seems like it is a polling issue. Also, I have now revised my entry (its also now #4).

3) (note: the entry you responded to is now renumbered as #1)

4) You wrote "Also confirmed". But a few days later now, I don't seem to experience this issue-which I DID experience before?! So can you explain under what circumstances this issue occurs. Thanks. (note: the entry you responded to is now renumbered as #2)

5) (note: the entry you responded to is now renumbered as #3)

7) When I said that "a new option" should be made, I meant that it should be just that-optional. I understand that some users will like it and some won't.

9) Again, when I asked to "make it an option" I meant just that, that it should be optional. I understand that some users will like it and some won't.

13) Again, when I asked to "make an option" I meant just that, that it should be optional. I understand that some useres will like it and some won't. By the way, it is because of Chrome that I think such an option would be useful.

[glow=black,1,50]NOTE) Being that I don't want to confuse you with my new renumbering, I am leaving my old entry there and just adding a new post for the revised entry. The revised entry will contain different numbers and clearer wording.[/glow]

Responses to Jon Tackabury:

1) 100%. It certainly is better than nothing. So being that this is the case, I'll move it to the end of the bug fix list just in case DisplayFusion may change in the way handles its taskbar in the future, thus making it possible to correct this. But it is certainly a minor "bug" and I don't know why I even put it as the #1 bug to begin with.

2) Being that the lag is noticible-if not significant-I had it written. I now revised my entry and moved it near the end of the bug fix list (#4).

3) As far as I can tell, it behaves the same way whether or not the window in question is in front of the taskbar (Note: this entry is now moved to #1, as I moved the previous #1 & #2 to the end).

4) Thanks. (note: the entry you responded to is now renumbered as #2)

5) I don't really understand your response. I now revised my entry with clearer wording. I agree that an unfocused window should not be pressed in, but I was saying that when one clicks-in the DisplayFusion taskbar-on a maximized window, then while DisplayFusion "depresses the window" like it should, the Windows taskbar does not. And normally the Windows taskbar would if instead of clicking-in the DisplayFusion taskbar-on a maximized window, one would click in the Windows taskbar on a maximized window. (note: the entry you responded to is now renumbered as #3)

6) I understand that it is important not to confuse the average user with options that are usually unused. As such would you be able to create a new entry in the DisplayFusion Settings called "Advanced Options" where a user such as myself may easily access such features. Also, in the advanced options you can put all other options that may be requested over time but that would just confuse the average user.

7) If you figure out a way to implement this in the future it would be great.

8) Yes, I am referring to the window animation. I am not saying that the window animation should be eliminated (I think something is better than nothing and it is EVEN MORE unusual to see no animation at all), but that it should "minimize TO the DisplayFusion taskbar" or "maximize FROM the DisplayFusion taskbar". I now revised my entry with clearer wording.

9) Note: It seems like this feature request is of the nature that it would belong in the new "Advanced Options" (see response #6 to you).

10) Thanks. This being the case, I am now moving this to the end of the Feature Request list. For now, I will number it as #18 and leave #10 blank as I don't want to mess up the numbering again.

11 & 12) OK

13) Honestly, I don't know what a non-client area is. Addtionally, I think that this option would be most useful in Google Chrome (perhaps this the only application which needs it. As such, can you make an entry in the "Advanced Options" for this to apply only in Google Chrome?

14, 15, 16) Thanks.

17) I don't understand what you mean. Do you mean that it can't currently do this but as "it would be nice" you will implement it in the future and make the update checker provide incremental feedback.

0) I have added another bug fix to the revised list (as #0 so as not to mess up the numbering even more). Here it is for your convenience: When a user has the User Account Control come up, and the user attemps to click on it in the DisplayFusion taskbar, nothing happens. Additionally, the window does not flash "orange" as the Windows taskbar does. They can only click on it in the Windows taskbar. I am referring to a case in which a user clicks on a program that requires UAC and then-before UAC pops up-they click elsewhere (ex: on the desktop). Also, if 2 UAC prompts come up, first one shows on the screen, and when that one is dealt with, the second stays "flashing orange" in the Windows taskbar. (I am now calling this bug fix #0 so as not to mess up the numbering.)

(Note: I think that Feature Requests #6, #9, and #13 are too advanced for most users, and should be made an option in a new entry called "Advanced Settings". Perhaps you may not agree on #9 & #13, but at least for #6, it beats editing the registry and I imagine that over time you will fill up the Advanced Settings with more entries)

[glow=black,1,50]NOTE) Being that I don't want to confuse you with my new renumbering, I am leaving my old entry there and just adding a new post for the revised entry. The revised entry will contain different numbers and clearer wording.[/glow]
Mar 27, 2009  • #6
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4 discussion posts
[glow=red,1,50]Revised[/glow] {IGNORE the first entry above, this is revised. I'm just leaving the first entry for John L. and Jon Tackabury to refer to if needed}:

6 Requested Bug Fixes and 12 New Features

The following is with Windows Vista SP1, DisplayFusion 3.0.2, and "Taskbars using Windows Visual Styles".

(Note to Jon Tackabury: I think that Feature Requests #6, #9, and #13 are too advanced for most users, and should be made an option in a new entry called "Advanced Settings". Perhaps you may not agree on #9 & #13, but at least for #6, it beats editing the registry and I imagine that over time you will fill up the Advanced Settings with more entries)

Bug Fixes:

0) When a user has the User Account Control come up, and the user attemps to click on it in the DisplayFusion taskbar, nothing happens. Additionally, the window does not flash "orange" as the Windows taskbar does. They can only click on it in the Windows taskbar. I am referring to a case in which a user clicks on a program that requires UAC and then-before UAC pops up-they click elsewhere (ex: on the desktop). Also, if 2 UAC prompts come up, first one shows on the screen, and when that one is dealt with, the second stays "flashing orange" in the Windows taskbar. (I am now calling this bug fix #0 so as not to mess up the numbering.)

1) If the "Taskbar Opacity" option that is new to Version 3.0.2 is lower than 100%, it only returns to 100% when the mouse moves over an area on the taskbar that is not occupied by a window (that is, blank space).

2) If the "Taskbar Opacity" option that is new to Version 3.0.2 is lower than 100% AND the displayFusion taskbar height is 2 rows [in other words, bigger than standard], the taskbar only returns to standard opacity (100%) when the mouse moves over the "first row" of the taskbar (bottom most). When it moves over the additional row, nothing happens.

3) If a user clicks--in the DisplayFusion taskbar--on a maximized window, then the window minimizes and is no longer "pressed in" to the DisplayFusion taskbar. Thus DisplayFusion handles this correctly--BUT, it remains "pressed in" on the Windows taskbar until the user click somewhere (on something).

4) There is "lag". In other words, a window that is opened or closed... will appear or disappear from the windows taskbar instantly, whereas it takes the DisplayFusion taskbar around a second to reflect this. Since DisplayFusion "polls the Windows taskbar" to see what's changed, perhaps this issue can be fixed by allowing advanced users to enable an option (in the DisplayFusion Settings) that would have DisplayFusion poll the Windows taskbar more frequently-even if it would more RAM or CPU.

5) When you right-click a window in the DisplayFusion taskbar (which is on the 2nd monitor), it brings to the front/pulls up the window and only then opens the "right-click shortcut menu" (normally, right-clicking does not pull up the window).
Note: Jon Tackabury previously said that "I found that in order for DisplayFusion to "fake" the context menu for the window, that window had to be visible. That's why I have to restore the window first. It's not perfect, but it's better than no context window."
This being the case, this issue is at the very end of the bug fix list and can be ignored. I'm just leaving it here so that if the way DisplayFusion handles its taskbar changes in the future, then this issue can be addressed.

Feature Requests:

6) Instead of making a user dig into the registry to change the DisplayFusion taskbar height, make this an option in the DisplayFusion Settings.

7) Make a new option in the DisplayFusion Settings where if a user has selected the option "All taskbars show all windows" then they will have a second option in which: If the window is clicked on in the DisplayFusion taskbar, it will maximize on to the 2nd monitor even if it was previously on the first (assuming the window was not visibly open on the first monitor, rather it was minimized). Similarly, if a window was previously on the DisplayFusion monitor (the one with the DisplayFusion taskbar) and a user clicks on the window in the windows tasktray, it should maximize to (=show on) the 1st monitor. Also, if a window is visibly open on monitor #1 and a user clicks the "window that is in the tasktray for it" to minimize it, then it should "minimize TO window #2 (See Feature Request #6).

8) When a window is minimized or maximized, have the window "minimize TO the DisplayFusion taskbar" or "maximize FROM the DisplayFusion taskbar" if that window is on the 2nd monitor (I am referring to the window animation). It is quite strange to minimize a window that exists on the 2nd monitor and see it minimize "to the other screens taskbar".

9) Make it an option that when a user has "Taskbar Opacity" set to a number lower than 100% (=when the taskbar is translucent), if a window is maximized (not just open but maximized) then the tasbar will return to 100% opacity.

10) BLANK (See #18)

11) Add a choice to the right-click menu of the windows on all the taskbars to move the window to the other monitor.

12) Add an option that when one middleclicks on a window in all taskbars, that window switches to the other monitor (the same way it does when you middleclick on a window's title bar).

13) Make an option that would allow a user to middleclick on the minimize & restore/maximize button, and have it switch to the other monitor (Currently, middleclicking on the minimize & restore/maximize buttons do nothing). With such a feature, then in applications such as Google Chrome when a user has their title bar filled with tabs and there is little room to middleclick on empty space (that is not occupied with tabs), they will be able to middleclick on the minimize & restore/maximize button, and have it switch to the other monitor.

14) Have an option for the DisplayFusion taskbar to display (=mirror) the time (If the taskbar is double the normal size, it should also show the Day and 0/00/2009) just like the regular windows taskbar does.

15) Allow the DisplayFusion task tray to "fade out" when in Flip 3D, just like the windows taskbar does, instead of "disappearing" as it does now.

16) When using the "Auto-hide the DisplayFusion taskbars" option, instead of the taskbar just appearing or disappearing, make the taskbar "slide up" and "slide down" in the same way that the Windows taskbar does.

17) Add a progress bar to the screen that comes up when clicking "Check for Updates Now" and there are updates downloading. Some users are still on dial-up and the download is not instantaneous!

18) Have the DisplayFusion taskbar show "Window previews" (A thumbnail-sized preview when you point to a taskbar button). [This used to be entry #10 but since Jon Tackabury responded that "This is coming in version 3.1", I have moved it to the end.]
Mar 27, 2009  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion forum, this topic is being locked and archived because it applies to an older version of DisplayFusion. If you are using the latest version of DisplayFusion and would still like some assistance, please create a new topic and I'll be happy to help you out. Thanks! :)
Jan 12, 2010  • #8
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