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matthew krohn
1 discussion post
I have monitors in different rooms. I switch the default audio depending what room I am in but with the beta 3 update no matter which output i set as default, the sound only came through my main TV. The audio would not switch to the other device even though it said default. I installed the non beta 7.1 and the sound is back to normal so there is some issue with beta 3. Is there a download link for beta 2? I had no issue with that one.
Mar 8, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Responded this morning to the email you sent in :)

If anyone else is having this issue with Beta 3 as well, please let me know. I haven't had any trouble switching audio devices with Beta 3.
Mar 9, 2015  • #2
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