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205 discussion posts
it would be cool if you could auto hide the title bars of maximized windows. this would be great for games in window mode.

It may also be a good idea to auto-hide the taskbar when an app is maximized to further increase the room available.
This option should probably be toggled through a hotkey (maybe hold ctrl while hitting maximize?), or have a blacklist of programs it applies to. (Games, and video players come to mind)
Oct 6, 2013 (modified Oct 7, 2013)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We currently have a feature request for a borderless window functionality, so I'll add your details to it :)

Oct 8, 2013  • #2
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James Willis
1 discussion post
This is exactly what I am looking for! I hope it makes it in soon :)
Mar 9, 2014  • #3
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19 discussion posts
Was this ever resolved? I am using Monitor Splits and would like to hide the Titlebar when I maximize. Or Borderless windows? And how would the Titlebar be turned back on?

I am mainly wanting this for live TV apps like Youtube TV(which runs through my Vivaldi browser via parameters), and Pluto(which runs through the Edge browser)

I did look at the Compatibility option: 'Force Display Fusion to treat this (app) as a full screen application. But I didn't notice any difference. Plus that would affect the whole browser app. Not just these instances I think.

Oct 27, 2022 (modified Oct 27, 2022)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There are actually a few scripted functions in the repository for removing window borders. Try out this one: "Remove Borders and Caption From Window"

If that works, you can set a key combination on it and use that to toggle it on/off for a window.

Hope that helps!
Oct 27, 2022  • #5
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19 discussion posts
Great!! Thanks, I'll check it out..
Oct 28, 2022  • #6
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1 discussion post
May be a year later, but this worked exactly the way I was looking for. The Downloaded function allowed me to play a game in fullscreen(ish) without a title bar while having a second window open next to it on an ultrawide screen monitor. Thank you!
Oct 15, 2023  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Miph120: Glad to hear it!
Oct 16, 2023  • #8
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