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2 discussion posts
Recently bought a Surface Pro 3 and I was wondering if it's possible to configure DF to automatically switch profiles whenever I rotate between landscape/portrait modes. It would be great to be able to have separate folders with wallpapers for each orientation and for DF to use the appropriate profile without having to use a hotkey (which isn't exactly convenient for tablets)
Jan 1, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You should be able to do this with Wallpaper Profiles and Monitor Profiles. You save each monitor configuration as a Monitor Profile, then setup Wallpaper Profiles for each, and assign the Wallpaper Profiles to the Monitor Profiles. Then, whenever you rotate, DF will detect the other Monitor Profile and automatically apply the Wallpaper Profile :)

Details on Monitor Profiles here:

Hope that helps!
Jan 2, 2015  • #2
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2 discussion posts
I had originally tried this and it didn't work, just realized that having the setting to pause wallpaper changes while on battery was the reason why. Thanks for confirming that I was on the right path, though.
Jan 4, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem! Please let me know if you have any other questions at all :)
Jan 5, 2015  • #4
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