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Some types of HDMI monitors, and most DisplayPort monitors will be "disconnected" from the computer when powered off or when entering sleep mode. This causes Windows to do a full display re-detection on sleep and resume, which repositions open application windows.
DisplayFusion is able to save your window positions before the system sleeps and restore them when it wakes. The steps below describe how to achieve this with DisplayFusion:
If your system is not set to lock on sleep or screen saver, the window positions won't be automatically restored when resuming from sleep or screen saver.
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion icon and click "Settings."
    Tray Menu - Settings
  • Select the "Triggers" tab, then enable the "Enable Triggers" checkbox.
    Enable Triggers
  • Click the "Add" button.
    Add Trigger
  • Click the "Event" dropdown and select "System Idle."
    System Idle
  • In the "Idle Timeout (sec)" field, add the time in seconds less one minute of the time your monitors/system is configured to sleep. (e.g. If monitors are set to sleep after 10 minutes, set the Idle Timeout to "540")
  • In the "Actions" area, click "Add" and select "Run Function."
    Run Function
  • In the pop-up, select "Save Window Positions" and click "OK."
    Save Windows Positions
  • Click "OK" to save the Trigger rule.
  • Click the "Add" button again.
  • For the "Event" dropdown, select "Desktop Unlocked."
  • Click "Add," then click "Wait," entering "5000" in the text field. Click "OK." If the 5000 ms wait is working well, you can try reducing that to speed up the restore time.
  • Wait
  • Click "Add" again, this time clicking "Run Function" and selecting "Restore Window Positions From Last Save." Click "OK."
  • Run Function
    Restore Window Positions
  • Click "OK" to save the Trigger rule.
  • You'll see your newly-added Triggers with a green background, indicating they are enabled.
    To manually load the positions, assign a key combination to the "Restore Window Positions From Last Save" function. Follow these steps, if needed:
  • Select the "Functions" tab in DisplayFusion's Settings window, select the function "Restore Window Positions From Last Save," then click "Edit."
    Edit Function
  • Select your modifiers and enter a key, then click "OK."
    Key Combination
  • You'll see your Key Combination in the column next to the Function. Click "Apply" to finalize your changes.
    Save Changes
  • Click "OK" to apply the DisplayFusion Settings.
Jan 29, 2016 (modified Aug 15, 2022)  • #1
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56 discussion posts
This is not working for me. When the screens wake up, all the windows which were in the secondary monitor move to the primary one.

The two triggers are enabled. My screens go to sleep after 10 minutes. I have tried idle timeouts of 540 and 60.

Is there a way to enable and view logging? Also a column like 'Last Run' indicating the last time the trigger ran would be helpful.

Also dragging a trigger doesn't work. I can't reorder triggers.
Aug 2, 2016  • #2
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56 discussion posts
I turned on detailed logging. I see the taskbar notification when it saves the windows positions. However when the screens wake up, the windows have moved to the primary monitor. I can see the app icons in the secondary monitor for a split second then they go away. However this is a Windows behavior as I notice this without DisplayFusion being installed.

What to search for in the log file about Windows locations restorations? I see some entries which look like they are about windows moving.
Aug 2, 2016 (modified Aug 2, 2016)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Tony89: Could you send us a backup of your DisplayFusion Settings through our contact form? We'll be glad to look into this for you. Thanks!
Aug 3, 2016  • #4
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I have the same issue as Tony89. I sent my backup through the contact form.
Aug 6, 2016  • #5
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2 discussion posts
Hi. This solution usually works for me if
1)Windows goes to sleep and locks by itself
2)I manually lock the desktop and unlock it before Windows sets my primary monitor to sleep

However, if I manually lock the desktop, then Windows goes to sleep, upon waking the positions are generally messed up.

This may have to do with my primary monitor (connected via DVI to AMD 290 video card) many times having to re-initialize after wake or power-off of monitor. Secondary monitor is connected via DVI to Intel onboard graphics (i7 4790K, not overclocked, Gigabyte Z97X Gaming-7 motherboard).

I am wondering if maybe Windows is setting my monitor to sleep earlier when the desktop is manually locked, before Displayfusion saves positions, and thus is saving an invalid set of positions where everything has been moved to my secondary monitor. The positions are thus either invalid or ignored when trying to restore after I have re-enabled my primary monitor.

I wonder if there is a way to have Displayfusion conditionally save window positions either on desktop lock or after the idle period, whichever happens first. I already have a second trigger to save positions on desktop lock, but this seems to get overwritten later on.

Aug 9, 2016  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It isn't currently possible to have a combination of events for the same trigger like that. If you disable the Timer trigger and just use the Desktop Locked trigger, does that work correctly?
Aug 11, 2016  • #7
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Collin Chaffin
69 discussion posts
Hey Keith! Been a while since I've been on but had a question about this function.

How can this function be triggered by a similar power condition, in my case manual powering off external HDMI monitor connected to laptop does the following:

1. Power off monitor 1
2. Close laptop lid (does NOT sleep but set to "power off" monitor 0 (built in display) only)

Upon wakeup:

3. Open lid - laptop for a moment begins reconfig desktop thinking it is now in single monitor (builtin) mode as I reach to power on monitor 1.
4. Power on external HDMI monitor 1
5. Displayfusion after about 10 sec then becomes visible again on mon0 (builtin) acting as the secondary displayfusion taskbar monitor - this is ok
6. All window positions are now back to external monitor 1 (set as primary).

Desired action is (like this function) to basically as the end of step 4 above (external monitor power button) trigger the saved window restore and perhaps icon profile.

Given the above workflow, what would that trigger list look like and does it require any custom functions? I'm thinking nothing custom needed but perhaps I'm wrong but stuck on what even needs to trigger here.


Collin Chaffin's profile on
Oct 11, 2016  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Collin: Using the docked/undocked guide should do the trick:

Make sure to update to 8.1 Beta 2 ( before trying those steps though, there was a bug in 8.0 that prevents it from working fully :)
Oct 12, 2016 (modified Oct 12, 2016)  • #9
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1 discussion post

Can you give me more information about this ?
"Note: If your system is not set to lock on sleep or screen saver, the window positions won't be automatically restored when resuming from sleep or screen saver."

How to do that ?

I set the screen saver to "none", the wait timer to 1 minute, and check the box that says "On resume display logon screen".

But windows positions are not restored, i still need to manually load the positions

Dec 22, 2016  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@kaze59: Could you send us a backup of your settings (Settings > Options > Export) to

Dec 22, 2016  • #11
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2 discussion posts
It isn't currently possible to have a combination of events for the same trigger like that. If you disable the Timer trigger and just use the Desktop Locked trigger, does that work correctly?

Sorry for the LONG delay in responding. I never had the patience to test this out systematically, as the behavior seems to me to differ slightly based on whether the system goes to sleep on its own or I just lock the desktop, or maybe even if I send it to sleep manually. Thus I've just been using the computer normally, and data points come very slowly.

It does seem to work better with only the Desktop Locked trigger to save positions. Having both active seems to muck things up.

I have it set up to restore positions both on Desktop Unlock and system wake. I am not sure which one is the one that is actually working, but I'm too lazy to thoroughly test and just keep both of them active.

Every now and then it doesn't work, but it's very infrequent, to the point I can't remember exactly was the last time it failed.
Jan 10, 2017  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries! So is it working as expected most of the time now then?
Jan 12, 2017  • #13
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2 discussion posts
Hey Keith,

just downloaded the trial, configured the triggers, set monitor sleep to 2 minutes and the trigger to 1 minute with a maximized testwindow on monitor 2 (2 monitor setup, windows 10 x64). Woke it up again and after logging in, the test window is shown minimized in the taskbar of monitor 2 for approximately the 5000ms set in the second trigger. After that it is moved minimized to monitor 1.

Regrettably i can not send you the configuration because for some reason after reinstalling DF my trial is expired and i can not create triggers ;-)
Feb 28, 2017  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Isthisadagger: Just sent you a new 30-day trial key :)
Mar 1, 2017  • #15
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2 discussion posts
After reinstalling it just works. Upgraded to pro. Thank you Keith.
Mar 3, 2017  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it! Thank you for your purchase :)
Mar 3, 2017  • #17
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9 discussion posts
I've followed the instructions here and even set a hotkey to restore windows but still every time my DP monitor goes to sleep the windows resume all over the other monitors causing a mess. Please how can I fix this or can you review the logs privately to see what the issue is?
Jun 1, 2017  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@RRW115: Does your computer lock when it's idle? Or when you resume from sleep are you immediately at the desktop?
Jun 2, 2017  • #19
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9 discussion posts
@RRW115: Does your computer lock when it's idle? Or when you resume from sleep are you immediately at the desktop?

no lock, monitors set to 'sleep' after 15 mins but when I resume I'm immediately at desktop

Thanks for fast reply
Jun 2, 2017  • #20
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, if you disable the Trigger rules, and manually Save and Restore the positions, does it work correctly?
Jun 5, 2017  • #21
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9 discussion posts
These are the triggers I have enabled. The system idle function does not work at all, so I've tried the hotkey to restore. It restores 80% of the windows, but there area always some that end up in wierd sizes and out of place. Is there any solution that can fix this problem 100%?
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings_2017-06-05_17-54-15.png [7,385 bytes]
Jun 5, 2017  • #22
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately saving/restoring window positions is a tricky feature to get 100% right for every single application. Some applications do weird things with their windows and window styles. Can you make a note of which applications aren't restoring correctly so that I can test them out here to see if there's anything we can do?
Jun 7, 2017  • #23
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9 discussion posts
Notably for me - Microsoft edge, windows explorer windows and the built in calculator on windows
Jun 8, 2017  • #24
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks! If you manually save the positions, just move those windows a bit with the mouse, then manually restore, do they go back to the correct spots?
Jun 14, 2017  • #25
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9 discussion posts
What do you mean manually save the positions? I have only followed the instructions to enable the two triggers and use a hotkey to restore the windows
Jun 16, 2017  • #26
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry, can you assign a hotkey to the Save Window Positions function, then save the positions, move edge/explorer/calculator, then restore the positions to see if that works for those apps?
Jun 16, 2017  • #27
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9 discussion posts
I see the part where I can assign a key to save windows positions. So, I must do this BEFORE the screen goes to sleep? Does this hotkey save all window positions? So if I understand correctly:

1. Displayfusion will automatically save my windows positions before screen sleep using the trigger I set from the instructions in this page
2. When it awakes from sleep I press the restore window positions from last save
3. Since edge/calculator/explorer don't save properly I should use the "save windows positions" hotkey BEFORE step 1 and then try it after step 2 when they ultimately dont restore correctly?

Thank you
Jun 16, 2017  • #28
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry, I'll try to clarify further. Just as a test, to see if the issue is with the save/restore functions themselves, or with the triggers, can you do exactly this?
  • Run the Save Function via hotkey
  • Drag (using the mouse) some of the windows that don't restore properly with the triggers (Edge, etc)
  • Run the Restore Function via hotkey
  • Does it restore the positions correctly?
Jun 19, 2017  • #29
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9 discussion posts
Is this the 'save function' that I have to set?
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings_2017-06-23_14-05-56.png [2,401 bytes]
Jun 23, 2017  • #30
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9 discussion posts
Also when you say restore fuction. Is it restore window or restore windows position from last save?

I Currently have restore window positions from last save and that is what restores 80% of my windows but leaves 20% messed up
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionSettings_2017-06-23_14-09-52.png [3,032 bytes]
Jun 23, 2017  • #31
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97 discussion posts
Does save window position use a lot of resources? Can we set the timeout at much lower interval, like 5 seconds or less? Cause I normally don't let computer go automatically to sleep, I press the power button when I'm done.. Having timeout that high doesn't sound right to me..
Jun 23, 2017  • #32
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@RRW: Correct on the Save Window Positions function, and correct on the Restore Window Positions function :)

@V@no: It shouldn't be too bad, you could definitely have it run more frequently.
Jun 26, 2017  • #33
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9 discussion posts
@RRW: Correct on the Save Window Positions function, and correct on the Restore Window Positions function :)

@V@no: It shouldn't be too bad, you could definitely have it run more frequently.

I've tried to buy and sent an email in for "Contact us to pay using Bitcoin". Its been 3 days and I haven't gotten a reply...
Jun 27, 2017  • #34
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I'll check into your Bitcoin request and hopefully get a response back to you today. Thanks!
Jun 30, 2017  • #35
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Yao Mitachi
1 discussion post
After an hour or two of research this was the only software I could find that was capable of fixing this problem that Microsoft should've fixed ages ago. Thank you! Just wondering, what's the purpose of having the restore wait 5 seconds? 1 second seems to work fine for me as well.
Feb 11, 2018  • #36
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97 discussion posts
Just like RRW115 I'm also getting inconsistent results.

The only 100% working solution I could find is Persistent Windows
Feb 11, 2018  • #37
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1 discussion post
For me, this method seems to work much better by configuring the second event with 'System Wakes from Sleep' instead of 'Desktop unlocked'. The 'Wait' parameter set to 1000 ms instead of 5000 ms. Also, I've configured the first event with 'Time Interval' (e.g. 120 sec) instead of 'System Idle', otherwise when I sleep the laptop manually windows positions are not saved properly.

Update: I've tried this configuration for a few days now and it's working seamlessly and nicely. It seems like this method finally solves the

Note: I use Windows 7 on a laptop. The laptop operates with the lid closed and connected to an external monitor.
Oct 9, 2018 (modified Oct 13, 2018)  • #38
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8 discussion posts
<p>Some types of HDMI monitors, and pretty much any DisplayPort monitor will be "disconnected" from the computer when powered off or entering sleep mode. This causes Windows to do a full display re-detection on sleep and resume, which has the nasty side effect of making all open application windows shuffle around. When returning to your computer, all of your carefully placed windows are now in random spots! DisplayFusion can help with this scenario by saving the window positions before the system sleeps, and restoring them when it wakes up. The steps below describe how to configure DisplayFusion to do this.</p>

<ol class="FancyOrderedList">
<li>On the Settings > Triggers tab, enable the "Enable Triggers" checkbox</li>
<li>Click the Add button and setup a Trigger with the following settings:</li>
<ul class="FancyList">
<li><b>Event:</b> System Idle</li>
<li><b>Idle Timeout (sec):</b> Set this to 1 minute less than the time configured for your monitors/system to sleep (i.e. if monitors are set to sleep after 10 minutes, set this to 540 seconds)</li>
<li><b>Action:</b> Run Function > Save Window Positions<div style="padding-bottom:25px"><div class="ImageBoxSmall"><img src="" border="0" alt="Save Window Positions Trigger" title="Save Window Positions Trigger" /></div></div></li>
<li>Click OK to save the Trigger rule.</li>
<li>Click the Add button again, and setup a Trigger with the following settings:</li>
<ul class="FancyList">
<li><b>Event:</b> Desktop Unlocked</li>
<li><b>Action:</b> Wait > 5000</li>
<li><b>Action:</b> Run Function > Restore Window Positions from Last Save<div style="padding-bottom:25px"><div class="ImageBoxSmall"><img src="" border="0" alt="Restore Window Positions Trigger" title="Restore Window Positions Trigger" /></div></div></li>
<li>Click OK to save the Trigger rule.</li>
<li>Click OK again to apply the DisplayFusion Settings.</li>

<p><font color="red"><b>Note:</b> If your system is not set to lock on sleep or screen saver, the window positions won't be automatically restored when resuming from sleep or screen saver. You can still manually load the positions by assigning a key combination to the "Restore Window Positions from Last Save" function on the Settings > Functions tab.</font></p>

<p>As always, if you run into any issues, or have any questions or concerns, please <a href="" target="_blank"><b>don't hesitate to ask!</b></a></p>

Hello I recently upgraded to a paid subscription and have run into a couple of issues. Upon upgrading, I lost all my previous settings which was rather frustrating. i have now added them all back in but now facing new issues with triggers that were previously working.
when i now unlock my laptop, all the windows flicker vigorously as then settle down. What will cause this?

May 28, 2020  • #39
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Can you check the "Documents\DisplayFusion Backups" folder for a file called ProVersionDowngrade.reg? If it's there, could you reply with it attached?

Regarding the windows flickering, is that happening when the "Restore Window Positions" trigger runs?
May 28, 2020  • #40
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8 discussion posts
Can you check the "Documents\DisplayFusion Backups" folder for a file called ProVersionDowngrade.reg? If it's there, could you reply with it attached?

Regarding the windows flickering, is that happening when the "Restore Window Positions" trigger runs?

i am not sure i understand but it happens whenever i log back in
May 28, 2020 (modified May 28, 2020)  • #41
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Do the windows flicker, or are they showing up (restoring from minimized) etc and repositioning? The Restore Window Positions function will make the windows show up and move around visibly while it's running.
Jun 1, 2020  • #42
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21 discussion posts
I'm having issues here unfortuantely where my windows either overlap slightly when they didn't before, or they don't extend all the way down to the bottom of the screen before my taskbar, where there's a small gap of pixels visible where I can see my desktop background.

This happens when manually loading windowp position profiles too sometimes, it's never really consistent, and I'm not sure how to solve this.
Nov 18, 2020  • #43
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

How often does it happen when manually loading the profiles?

Nov 19, 2020  • #44
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21 discussion posts
it happens pretry regularly, i have a hotkey setup for manually loading anogher profile and same tbing happwns there. maybe 20-25 percent of the time. its a ultrawide split into 3 sections vertically and loading the profile will sometimes have a space at the bottom of window between taskbar and sometimes windows slightly overlap each other.

just built new pc with fresh install of Windows and it happens there too!
Nov 19, 2020  • #45
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Strange! Is it happening with specific application windows?

Nov 19, 2020  • #46
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21 discussion posts
I specifically notice it with Chrome windows. Most of my windows are Chrome it seems like that I have set at specific positions (work apps, etc)

Attached is my window position manual profile I apply and have always had the issue both on old PC and new PC.
2020-11-19 15_10_02-Edit Window Position Profile _ DisplayFusion Pro on Steam 9.7.1 (Beta 6).png
2020-11-19 15_10_02-Edit Window Position Profile _ DisplayFusion Pro on Steam 9.7.1 (Beta 6).png
Nov 19, 2020  • #47
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Can you send me over a backup of your settings? You can grab them in the Options tab in Display Fusion, with the "Export Settings" button.

Nov 20, 2020  • #48
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21 discussion posts
Sure, here you go! I did also notice it with Outlook today too, there was a solid 1/2 inch of screen space (1440p vertical resolution) under outlook where I could just see my desktop shining through. That definately wasn't here before the save happened, but when it reloaded it was.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion Backup (2020-11-20 @ 17-39,, DESKTOP-COREY, SettingsWindow).reg [554,636 bytes]
Nov 20, 2020  • #49
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Thanks for sending that over. Could I also get you to send over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Nov 24, 2020  • #50
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21 discussion posts
Sure, here you go. Happenedd about 1:12PM (13:12) just before 1:13.

Attached is the debug info, AND a screenshot showing the misalignment where the apps just do not line up correctly and there is desktop background visible on the side and bottom, which is not how the profile is configured.
• Attachment [protected]: 2020-11-24 13_12_57-.png [225,729 bytes]
Nov 24, 2020  • #51
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21 discussion posts
Here's debug info - see post above with more info.
• Attachment [protected]: [283,933 bytes]
Nov 24, 2020  • #52
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6 discussion posts
Had this problem and so glad to have quickly found this article. I'm new to DisplayFusion and am blown away so far. Brilliant, approachable, customizable goodness you have here.

Question: When I use the Save Position function, there is a Windows sound played. It's rather annoying, since I lock my computer frequently and don't want that sound played every time it happens. How do I stop the sound?
Nov 26, 2020  • #53
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6 discussion posts
Ah ha! So, to answer my own question regarding the sound.. That is caused by the Windows Notification. I was able to press Windows_Key-A to open the Notifications Tray (or whatever it's called), right click on one of the DisplayFusion notifications, select "Go to notification settings" and turn Off "Play a sound when a notification arrives". Thought I'd share in case someone else needs this bit of info in the future.
Nov 26, 2020 (modified Nov 26, 2020)  • #54
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@CorneliousJD Thanks for sending that over, it looks like Display Fusion is trying to set the correct position, but the actual position being set is slightly off, which seems to line up with what your seeing. We're going to look into this further. I've noted down your contact information, so we'll be in touch, either to collect more information or to let you know when we have a fix.

@Joeg Glad to hear it's working!

Nov 26, 2020  • #55
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21 discussion posts
Sounds great, thank you! Let me know if you need anything else from me, happy to help where I can.
Nov 27, 2020  • #56
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Steve Fox524024
2 discussion posts
Hello - I have put aside the automatic restore of window position (save seems to work) and am trying to get it working with a hotkey first.

What I'm finding is while the strict x/y position of the chrome windows I'm testing on, is save/restored correctly, that if a window were above another window (either maximised or not) it would then get restored "underneath" ie not visible.

Is there anyway to save/restore in the correct top to bottom position too?
Dec 2, 2020  • #57
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Steve,

We currently don't save the Z position for those functions, but I've added this to our feature request list. We don't guarantee that feature requests will be implemented, or offer timelines on possible implementation. We'll be sure to let you know if we do add it to our planned features in a future version.

Dec 3, 2020  • #58
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1 discussion post
I just bought the software to overcome the same issue but when I manually put my Windows PC to sleep and wake up, the screen's restored from the rather old windows position. How do I get the window position right before I set the PC to sleep? If I set the time interval like 60 seconds to save the windows position, I get this annoying notification every minute that my windows state is saved. If I manually save the screen and go sleep, I don't even get the image I saved.

I am debating at this point if this is the right software to address the windows position issue. At this point it's almost better off removing the software and just go back to default windows setting and rearrange the windows screens on these dual DP monitors manually.
Dec 6, 2020 (modified Dec 6, 2020)  • #59
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Steve Fox524024
2 discussion posts
Thanks Owen!
Dec 7, 2020  • #60
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

You can disable the notifications with the "General: Don't Show Tray Icon Notification Balloons" advanced setting, if you would like to make the save interval smaller without constant notifications.

Hope that helps!
Dec 8, 2020  • #61
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157 discussion posts
This does not work all the time.
Dec 28, 2020  • #62
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21 discussion posts
@CorneliousJD Thanks for sending that over, it looks like Display Fusion is trying to set the correct position, but the actual position being set is slightly off, which seems to line up with what your seeing. We're going to look into this further. I've noted down your contact information, so we'll be in touch, either to collect more information or to let you know when we have a fix.


Nobody ever did reach out - anything I can do to work with you guys on this?
Dec 28, 2020  • #63
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

@CorneliousJD We've been a bit behind as we got into the holidays, but it is still on our list to fix up. We're hoping to look into it for our next beta.

Dec 31, 2020  • #64
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4 discussion posts
I have tried everything I can think of to make this work. I implemented the triggers above. I've tried adding other variants. Occasionally after lock or screen saver the trigger will move the windows back into place. But most of the time, when I return my windows are all over the place. Having this feature work is super important - having to move multiple windows back in place multiple times per day is really frustrating. I've attached logs (at minimal). If there is any help you can provide, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
• Attachment [protected]: [529,701 bytes]
Mar 4, 2021  • #65
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

@AB23, This thread is getting pretty long. Could you send us in a request through the Help > Contact Us form, or start a new discussion post?

Mar 10, 2021  • #66
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59 discussion posts
<snip> ... when I manually put my Windows PC to sleep and wake up, the screen's restored from the rather old windows position. How do I get the window position right before I set the PC to sleep? <snip>

Hi. It seems that nobody ever got back to @Danoc, and I have the same question as part of his. I want some kind of hotkey or script or custom/scripted function that will save all my RIGHT NOW window positions and then immediately put the computer to sleep. This seems easy enough to accomplish, but I can't figure out how. Any help is much appreciated!

Thanks so much in advance!
Mar 13, 2021 (modified Mar 13, 2021)  • #67
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

@TTE You can use the "BFS.DisplayFusion.SaveWindowPositionProfile("ProfileNameHere");" function to save your windows, and then the "BFS.General.SleepMonitors" and "BFS.General.LockDesktop" functions to sleep and lock your desktop.

@CorneliousJD We've released a new beta. Can you try updating, and recreating your position profiles and see if the issue persists? If it does, can you email us directly using the Help > Contact Us form?

Mar 17, 2021  • #68
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Jonatan Olsson99983
1 discussion post
After an hour or two of research this was the only software I could find that was capable of fixing this problem that Microsoft should've fixed ages ago. Thank you! Just wondering, what's the purpose of having the restore wait 5 seconds? 1 second seems to work fine for me as well.

Same here, I've tried several different softwares I found that supposedly would do what I wanted them to do. Installed the trial version of this program, got it to work within 10 minutes of reading and checking how-tos. Now purchased the full version so yeah, great job guys!

Apr 22, 2021 (modified Apr 22, 2021)  • #69
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3 discussion posts
"2021/04/30: Great news! The latest Windows 10 Insider Build (build 21287 and higher) resolves the issue of application windows moving around when DisplayPort monitors resume from sleep!"

Jesus H. C. :-[

I can't believe they are only fixing this atrocious Windows "feature" now - terrible. This was driving me crazy for a long time :x.

Using a Dell 27" U2715 monitor (portrait on side) together with an ASUS 27" HDR 120Hz monitor (main) both on Displayport.. the ASUS was slower waking up but for some reason all windows from Dell got moved to ASUS on wake.

Only thing from keeping me going mad over it, was the DisplayFusions Window Position Profiles function - I got used to pressing ALT-M every time!

This auto restore method described here only worked half of the time... it didn't always work in the case of monitor sleeping/restore when Windows did not lock itself yet.

I wonder when this will get on regular Windows build.

p.s there ARE comments on that blog post, but you can't see them unless you log in!
May 2, 2021 (modified May 2, 2021)  • #70
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Manju nath88465
1 discussion post
I was eagerly thinking to buy the pro license since everything looked smooth the first time.
Now everytime after sleep/lock the whole secondary monitor is kaput :'( .
Although difficult, Im gonna continue using the PowerToys.
Its pain, but im uninstalling DisplayFusion after using it just for 1 day.
Jun 30, 2021  • #71
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Manju,

Strange, were any windows getting moved at all when you unlocked your computer after following this guide?

Jun 30, 2021  • #72
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157 discussion posts
Restoring window positions now seem to be broken. I move windows around just to change my workspace and but when I want to restore everything the windows do not return to their saved locations. I have deleted window position profiles and added new profiles which does not resolve the issue.
Sep 12, 2021  • #73
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Ben,

Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Sep 13, 2021  • #74
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James Zachary
4 discussion posts
The header at the top of this thread says that the issue has been resolved with a certain build of Windows 10. My build number should be the latest as I just reinstalled Win 10 with all its updates as of July 2022, but I am still getting the behavior.

What I am doing wrong here?
Aug 2, 2022  • #75
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I believe that insider build eventually turned into the Windows 11 official build. I took a look through the Windows 10 insider build but I couldn't find that setting, so I've updated the post accordingly.
Aug 3, 2022  • #76
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6 discussion posts
This hasn't worked for me. Followed the instructions from the first post but all windows always reverts to one screen
my time out is set to 60 secs so i have tried it from 1 to 10 secs for the 1st setting. Thoughts please
Apr 27, 2023  • #77
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you add a hotkey to the "Restore Window Positions From Last Save" function in the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, and then run it manually after waking from sleep, do the windows get moved?
Apr 27, 2023 (modified Apr 27, 2023)  • #78
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6 discussion posts
If you add a hotkey to the "Restore Window Positions From Last Save" function in the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, and then run it manually after waking from sleep, do the windows get moved?

Thanks but i don't know how to add hotkeys. i can see the option within the functions tab but not sure what to do

Ignore me. I worked it out :-)

About to try it
Apr 28, 2023 (modified Apr 28, 2023)  • #79
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6 discussion posts
If you add a hotkey to the "Restore Window Positions From Last Save" function in the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, and then run it manually after waking from sleep, do the windows get moved?

unfortunately, it didn't work. Also, when i unlock the laptop, DF reloads i.e it starts to reload all the task managers (i use 2 monitors and a horizontal split)
May 1, 2023  • #80
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
May 2, 2023  • #81
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6 discussion posts
Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Hello, please see attahced.
• Attachment [protected]: [214,852 bytes]
May 12, 2023  • #82
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over. Could you try out this guide and let me know if it works?
May 15, 2023  • #83
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6 discussion posts
Thanks for sending that over. Could you try out this guide and let me know if it works?

unfortunately, it didn't work :'(

To be clear on my issue:

I have 2 monitors (set up as horizontal ) -so i have 4 windows across the monitors
One of them is set as the primary
whenever i unlock my laptop, all my browsers/applications move to the primary monitor
Previously,my browsers/applications stayed within their respective windows
May 17, 2023 (modified May 17, 2023)  • #84
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6 discussion posts
Thanks for sending that over. Could you try out this guide and let me know if it works?

please see my triggers. I will apprciate any help.

it's driving me crazy as i need to reset my applications everytime i unlock my laptop
• Attachment [protected]: Capture.PNG [15,689 bytes]
May 18, 2023  • #85
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over another debug log with those updated triggers? Here are the steps again:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
May 18, 2023  • #86
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2 discussion posts
My system is not set to lock on screen saver how can I make it still work without the lock?
May 13, 2024  • #87
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Without locking there isn't an event we can fire off for the trigger, but you can attach a hotkey to the "Restore window positions" function and run it manually.
May 13, 2024  • #88
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2 discussion posts
Without locking there isn't an event we can fire off for the trigger, but you can attach a hotkey to the "Restore window positions" function and run it manually.

It is possible to add it I have used some software on github which is able to do it which was able to restore my windows after monitors went to sleep. But would much rather have it all in Displayfusion
May 14, 2024  • #89
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