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13 discussion posts
Every time a new update is pushed through Displayfusion, the updater tool within the program doesn't work. It downloads the file, shuts down the program, but then doesn't initiate the update. I need to manually relaunch the program, and then its still running the previous version. This is on 11 beta 3 right now, but has been an issue with the previous few versions as well.

I tried running DP in admin mode, but it hasn't made a difference.
10 days ago  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you reboot does the auto update work?
9 days ago  • #2
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13 discussion posts
No. Its been an issue going back a few updates now. I just hoped it would correct itself. I don't have an issue downloading the installer from the website and running it - that's how I'm using the latest beta. Its just not working in the program itself.
9 days ago  • #3
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